@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins Postgame: Tide is turning, Penguins feeling momentum


  1. I didn’t like resigning Jarry long term in the off season. I understood it. But… I’ve been off on Jarry for a long time. I’ve taken a lot of crap too for it. Before the deadline I got flack for saying try and move on from Jarry and his massive deal. Since he’s no rental teams would bite I’m sure. The. Give the deal to nasty Ned! Which is what I call him. Looking back I feel so validated I can’t even lie it feels good. The only thing that hasn’t changed was the core , not the problem , coach, not the problem. Bottom 6 should have been better at least on paper… oh ya the goalie. It’s time to figure out how to part ways. Jarry is too sometimes to be a franchise goalie.

  2. imagine this thing comes down to the final game of the season between the isles and pens – winner gets in.

  3. Ned is so much smarter in net…listen to his interview…explaining how he freezes the puck to give his guys a breather, or stop the Capitals surge…much better at rebound control as well…Graves cannot play the rest of the way…he's too soft and way too many gaffes and bobbles and giveaways…it's obvious now how bad he was playing…not a POJ fan, but he has taken his game to another level and has been strong on the puck…should be a good one Saturday

  4. It’s amazing now that a few games ago the Pens actually discovered offensive and defensive LANES. They spent the whole season getting picked off, putting 50% of passes on opponents’ tape, and miss-passing like drunken monkeys.

  5. Is it that Graves is that disruptive to anyone he is paired with or he just can't play this system. What are your thoughts on him back in the line up – I would leave the D how it is and love the WB kids on the 3rd line together

  6. i dont see any repercussions for graves. they tend to play veterans who have a lot of term left. as soon as graves is ready to go, he's back in.

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