@National Hockey League

[Graphic] Ref Steve Kozari smashes head into the ice after collision

[Graphic] Ref Steve Kozari smashes head into the ice after collision

by Hockey-Daily


  1. CompetitiveAd9760

    Damn that was a huge hit on his head off the ice

  2. HorizonShimmer

    Terrible. I’ll have to look up updates on how he is doing.

  3. The hit was so hard that the TB player left the game and did not return, so that gives you an idea of how hard the initial impact was, before his head hit the ice.

    Was happy to see some movement from him as they took him away. Hopefully it’s not as bad as it looked.

  4. CitizenNaab

    That looks like head to head contact and then he hit his head on the ice. That’s brutal. I hope he’ll be ok

  5. bcsmith317

    Kinda looks they hit head to head as well before he bounces his head off the ice. Not great…

  6. Thankfully he was wearing his helmet even though he hit pretty damn hard

  7. Best argument in favor of everyone wearing a helmet. Hope everyone it’s okay.

  8. cynicalhippies

    I saw this happen to a coach a couple years before they had to wear helmets, he was never the same

  9. RailroadingFreedom

    Too many officials on the ice with the speed of the game nowadays. May as well just put the linesman in the scorers box and call offsides that way. Roll them out when fights happens

  10. Gold-Independence-26

    Imagine if they both didn’t have helmets

  11. NjaTrtl_DK16

    The ref looked like he was out before his head even hit the ice. Hope he’s gonna be ok.

  12. Gahockey3

    What a terrible accident. I wish him the best. You could feel the impact this had on the rest of the game, both teams seemed down and out of it for at least the next 5 minutes. No one likes seeing this happen.

  13. ReindeerOk4632

    Ouch! I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.

  14. This is bad. Imagine if he didn’t have a helmet on tho…

  15. JetsNBombers0707

    Ohhhh shit.

    Brings back memories of watching an official die during the pregame skate of an NCAA playoff game a few years back. He wasn’t wearing a helmet, fell and hit the back of his head on the ice.

    He didn’t die immediately, it was a week or so after he died from complications of the fall I believe.


  16. smeltsmelly

    Ooof. Those arms straight up in the air. Fencing response. Not good

  17. FrenchFern

    Why was the ref skating centre ice like that?

  18. Fuck me! I winced watching that. Hope he’s OK.

  19. Pleasant-Life3973

    Speedy recovery to that gentleman. Those refs days a great job, hope he is doing ok, that was tough to watch.

  20. Pleasant-Life3973

    I know we like to get on the reffs for making bad calls from time to time. However, it makes me so proud to see nothing but positive comments for this Ref Steve Kozari. Respect to everyone here who made respectful comments. At the end of the day, we are all just fans of the game 🙏

  21. Thankfully the ref is doing ok. Just one of those freak accidents

  22. Ta-veren-

    Lightining just fucked over its biggest fan base, the refs.

    Hope he’s okay

  23. CodAdministrative563

    He was out cold. He was moving his extremities on the stretcher

  24. BaseballSafe6317

    That’s not graphic…he’s wearing a helmet!

  25. I never like seeing the arms go stiff like that. Never a good sign. Hope he recovers quickly.

  26. WarStrifePanicRout

    That looked awful, thank fuck for the helmet

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