@Arizona Coyotes

Buttons | The Steve Dangle Podcast

On this episode of The Steve Dangle Podcast,

00:00 Rangers vs Devils brawl
11:30 Is this the best NHL season ever?
34:00 Marner returns to the lineup
51:00 Woll struggles and Toronto loses to Tampa
1:00:00 The Arizona Coyotes MAYBE have an arena
1:08:30 The Oakland A’s are moving to Sacramento
1:17:00 The MLSE exposé
1:29:00 How billionaires got their money


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  1. If Steve is going to leave for the Coyotes segment, then he should be muted. It's an NHL story, this podcast should mention it. And Steve's job is to talk about NHL news. The bit has run its course.

  2. The Oakland Athletics will not be called the Sacramento Athletics. They announced today they will just be called the Athletics while in Sacramento.

  3. If Rempe doesn't want to fight every game, then he should stop doing things that make other players want to fight him. How many more elbows to the head does he throw before he's gone?

  4. Ovi almost lost the goal lead in 2016-2017 he tied oshi with 33 but oshi played 14 less games so goals per game oshi was the leader lol

  5. Just about the fighting part, Olivier plays big but he’s only 6’2 209. Absolute monster to be able to be as physically dominant as he is against dudes that consistently have 20lbs and 2 inches on him

  6. I don't mind the fights. But Rempe is a sideshow. Belongs in a circus. Can't change my mind. He's a sideshow, gonna have a short career known only for fighting and having outrageous Penalty Minutes stats vs actual time on ice.

  7. Hi! Just chiming in as an Oakland-ish-er. I sang the anthem at an As game with my choir in high school; it doesn't matter if you're a particular Sports Fan but if you grew up around here, you Know And Love The As – until this. It's a really tragic end for an Oakland institution, and I'll always be proud of what they were to the East Bay, and thank you for explaining why we're all so rightly upset. I'm really excited that we've just opened the chapter with the Bay FC in women's soccer, but I can't make it down to San Jose for BFC any more than I can for the Sharks, just because of the commute, so it really stings to lose our local point of community.
    Also, this is a super funny ep and thank you guys for keeping me in the loop and altogether being really wonderful ambassadors for hockey :D!!

  8. Leafs front office this summer will have a new look shanahan gets fired and pelly takes over until a premature suitor is found treliving goes into next season as leafs general manager finally if the leafs get put out in the first round keefe is fired and I hope someone like brindamore becomes the new coach

  9. Adam says Buffalo Bills paid less than minimum wage for snow shoveling. Minimum wage in NY state is 15/hr. They were paid 20/hr.

  10. LMAO at the segment about talking about a media conglomerate buying the national TV/media rights here in the US and mentioning Comcast and their ownership of the Flyers but not realizing that Comcast ALSO owns NBC who HAD the exclusive national TV/media rights here in the US from 2005-2021!!!

  11. That was a fight where a hockey game broke out. Rempe went to take a hit of the smelling salt from his manager before he lined up.

  12. a terrible +/- is an indication of kessel's game: he couldn't back check; 1 dimensional volume shooter kinda like robertson.

  13. That was a legit line brawl most of the time its like 2 or 3 fights and 2 pairs holding each other kinda watching

  14. Fighting is the frosting on the hockey cake. No one wants just frosting but cake is better with it

  15. I think Adam has potentially the worst take of all time and it’s hilarious how many things he says that are incorrect and no one corrects him on it

  16. UFC is worth $12 billion. Boxing is huge. The NHL needs to learn that people LOVE watching fights. Fighting doesn't turn people off from hockey. The NHL turns people off from hockey.

  17. Long time fan here, also a Lightning fan, and I have enjoyed your content even when it does not pertain to me or is directly against my team. That being said, the way you guys talk about the Coyotes is insufferable at this point. They have an auction date, it's do or die from that point on, if you really fell the need to talk about it between now and then please find another angle or style to do so because it's not cute and it's not funny anymore. Please listen to the criticism your fans are giving you in the comments and don't reduce it to "Canadian media mean", that's not what I and others here are saying. It's just not good content at this point.

  18. I understand that there's SDP Ad free now, but I seriously wish that the guys would stop using Better Help as a sponsor… All it takes is a Google search to see why…

  19. The Leafs are too stationary on the PK. Instead of hustling to get into a lane & stopping, all they need to do is get in the lanes & then keep coasting towards the puck handler.

  20. No one should be allowed to come out of Russia to play a professional sport. No one should be allowed to enter Russia to play a professional sport.

  21. If from the day your were born, until the day you died, at 100 yrs of age, you spent over $27,000 a day, without earning any interest, that would be ONE billion dollars.

  22. If you make $50.000 a year & decide you want to be a billionaire, you would have to work 3x harder & 3x smarter, to become 9x as productive as you are now, & do it 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, for over 500 years, to make ONE billion dollars.

  23. It's not possible to earn a billion dollars. No single human being is capable of earning even one. And if you're not earning it, just exactly what are you doing? It's not hard to make a very good argument that being a billionaire should be illegal. Society as a whole would be far better off if it was illegal.

  24. It really is astonishing how long Adam and Jesse can talk about nothing happening in Arizona 😂

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