@Chicago Blackhawks

Jack Johnson vs Stanley Ketchel (1909)

includes slow-motion replay of the KO punch – Jack Johnson’s voice played by James Earl Ray (b. 1931)


  1. Crazy fact Vince McMahon's grandfather was the promoter for the Jack Johnson and Jess Willard fight and has big history in Harlem with Baseball teams and fights

  2. The voice of Jack Johnson is actually that of actor Brock Peters, not James Earl Jones ( or Ray)

  3. i had read the fight was fixed bc of the obvious weight class differences. But now upon inspection I see that Ketchel is all cut up at 3:38. He definitely hit Johnson and Johnson went down. It wasn't the first time Johnson was on the canvas but he got up. It appears that a now over confident Ketchel moved in to do more damage on what he assumed was an injured and dazed Johnson and Johnson layed him out. If it was a fixed match as Johnson claimed and they were taking it easy on each other why is Ketchel's face such a mess before the knock down? As Tyson says, Johnson was a defensive genius for his era but Joe Louis and others would have crushed him.

  4. Overated, physically tough, they fought like amateurs boxing skills wise. Modern day fighters their size like Roy Jones would have play with these guys, before knocking them out.

  5. Ketchel fought scared..sorry,but i see a scared fighting style(someone who is scared of his oppositions punching power,look at how he flinches with even minimal jab movement from Jack)..someone scared to get hit,will never win..just ask George Foreman

  6. I think the Fight was staged and that maybe both of them went "off the script". Ketchel and Johnson stuck to the same General Plan, but Ketchel pulled a fast one on Johnson and Johnson didn't like it. And I think that since Johnson was the Heavyweight he HAD to win Big Time. The Ending to the Fight was what the two fighters didn't agree on.

  7. Jack Johnson is a born natural Boxer.. very relaxed.. lots of power.. and a good Brain.. he new what the fans wanted.. and gave it to them.. probably could have taken out a lot of fighters earlier on in his day.. I would put him up there as an all time Great.. although they never Boxed.. the ultimate fight of the day would have been John .L.Sullivan vs Jack Johnson.. what a tear up that would have been..😳😲☝️.. hard to separate them..

  8. Interesting to see when the black knocked out the white man, nobody stoop up except for his team but when the white knocked the black man everybody stoop up and cheered

  9. Stanley was a great fighter for his day and remains one of the greatest middleweights of all time, the fact he was competitive with the heavyweights of his day is something fighters now can only dream of.

  10. Could someone tell everyone here that this was not a 'staged' fight. It was an 'EXHIBITION'.

    Then explain to them what an exhibition fight means.

    Then tell them Ketchel simply decided to bite off way more than he could ever chew. Dumb move against a world heavyweight champion, when he outweighs you by fifty poiunds.

  11. Looked like Ketchel went down with a push and decided not to get up. Phantom punch like Clay and Liston II.

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