@Arizona Coyotes

Do The Coyotes Finally Have A Home Secured? – Dangle Walks Off Set! | SDP

Steve, Jesse and Adam discuss the current Arizona Coyotes arena situation and why they have newfound hope for staying in the desert long-term.

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  1. I feel like arena "plans" are just like the Scotland Wonka Experience. Just a bunch of AI footage. Move this stupid team already

  2. Adam and Jesse should try putting a walking pad treadmill in front of the desk the next time the Coyotes' arena situation comes up, so when Steve tries to walk out he gets stuck walking on the treadmill forever and can't leave the set

  3. I feel like no team in the history of professional sports has been given as many chances as the Coyotes despite objectively being a financial failure for almost it's entire existence.

  4. I refuse to trust a franchise that filed for bankruptcy and was delinquent on their rent payments to be able to fund building an entire entertainment district from scratch. Arizona should've moved the second they were kicked out of Glendale. This experiment has already been over ever since then. Watch as the team runs out of money before they even finish building the arena.

  5. sorry, getting tired of this clown show.. tell us your opinions have a discussion and stop the clowning. i really have stop watching SDPN,

  6. That was an amazing conversation between Jesse and Adam…. very informative and thought-provoking… as always…. Steve made me laugh till I almost peed my pants… lol, great video…

  7. I know this is going to get me hated, but Steve are you going for the Kim jong-un look? Love your show, love Adam and Jesse, not thrilled with the haircut.

  8. I love the video description being loose with the word "Steve" when describing who is discussing the current Arizona Coyotes arena situation

  9. Like a child, Steve needs to learn that if you leave you can't still be there. Stay if you want to be a part, or just take a five minute break and enjoy some air lol

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