@Vegas Golden Knights

This is just PAINFUL for Canucks fans to hear…

The Vancouver Canucks lose to the Los Angeles Kings 6-3, Brock Boeser, Dakota Joshua and Kevin Fiala scored, Nikita Zadorov with some nice plays, we need Thatcher Demko back and Elias Lindholm to be 100% because the Kings play a style that scares me come playoff time, I don’t know how I’d feeling going up against them… I really don’t wanna see this team again.
Let me know any questions you have for myself or Nuckhead!

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  1. Lately the Canuckleheads have been losing the special terms battle and have been really bad defensively. That spells a fall to second in the Pacific and a first round opponent of L.A. or Vegas which spells a early first round exit to the golf course. They just haven't risen their game to contender level. Toch warned them but they got worse. Signing Petey before the season was over was a huge mistake.

  2. PERSPECTIVE TIME: nobody, absolutely nobody expected the Canucks to end this year (after last year’s performance) with over 100 points! Canuck fans need some flipping perspective: people were throwing jerseys on the ice last year! Enjoy the first round, get better next year, build a team!

  3. A HUGE portion of their problems would be solved if they could just STOP TAKING F'IN PENALTIES!!!
    A team that takes lots of penalties is a team that is LAZY … this attitude is what pisses me off the most

  4. Aman, lafferty, bains, blueger, podkolzin, mikheyev, suter. We have 2 lines of players with no ability to score.

  5. I don't think its the "Effort".
    Effort can be misguided. I just dont think the system is working for guys like Petterson. Systems stifle creativity, and Petterson is a creative player.

  6. I don't mind losing if its a hard fought match. but these games are just sad….. at least there wasn't a 4 on 1 like with the oilers……

  7. LOL they've barely any playoff history on this team and it's showing down the stretch – lack of real grit and urgency. 2025 will be a deeper run than the upcoming round 1 exit in 5 games

  8. Canucks just don't have it this year. They need to upgrade their defense. And one more top six forward. Since Lindhome was a flop. That was a terrible trade. And the turning point for the Canucks season in my opinion. Kuzmenko is tearing it up in Calgary

  9. I notice a lot of passes to nowhere, especially from miller. It is like no one knows where the other guy is anymore, and because of that they have way too many turnovers and give up scoring chances. That has nothing to do with goaltending. That has everything to do with a lack of confidence in your system. These kinds of slumps, if happening in the middle of the season, can be corrected, but I think at this time of year it will be too late to correct it and turn it around for the playoffs. The ONLY hope of Vancouver turning it around is they have to have a good first round, with a few good bounces, and good luck, and then confidence will be back and they will go on a tear.

  10. I am praying to the hockey gods here in bangkok , we need players to step up their momentum and win .

  11. The Vancouver Canucks are merely the Toronto Maple Leafs of the west complete with a dilusional fan base, overpaid entitled players and unrealistic expectations.

  12. For me the question is what is the line combo that will turn it around and who will be the playoff black aces

  13. I feel like they started going downhill after they traded Kuzmenko. Maybe he was they key. It probably affected Petterson the most as they were good friends. Just a thought.

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