@Toronto Maple Leafs

Spezza and Dubas look at little upset after the OT win by their ex

Spezza and Dubas look at little upset after the OT win by their ex

by MacSkellington


  1. NatureIndoors

    They have to find a strip joint that serves milk, for Kyle

  2. Objective_Gear_8357

    They had their coats on like they were expecting it to be over quick. Glad the leafs could help them out

  3. brownmagician

    We dumped them. Let’s be clear.

    Also this team was built by Dubas.

  4. Those are the faces of 2 men that just squandered the last of Crosby’s years in the league with the garbage fire they put around him. Dubas will be gone faster than you can say “i’m not looking to leave”

  5. BathroomSerious1318

    It’s because Sid or Gino wasn’t playing in ot.

    Why didn’t they play them?

  6. marmaladegrass

    Dubas looks like the type of kid who got pissed and is taking his toys home…

  7. Slow-Debt-6465

    I still love Spezza, dubas prolly likes small soo wiener

  8. TorturedFanClub

    Fuck these guys. Who cares? Im a damn Leafs fan. Not a fucken Dubas fan. Fuck him, heโ€™s now a Penguin along with Spezza. Buh bye.

  9. jeffreylist1986


  10. whatyousayin8

    They picked up their shit SO fastโ€ฆ itโ€™s like theyโ€™ve done it beforeโ€ฆ

  11. clapperssailing

    These absolute losers were sellers and Crosby warned them.

    Dubas will be king idiot for decades.

  12. LingonberryNatural85

    This sub has such a โ€œmy ex-girlfriend is such a bitchโ€ mentality.

    Dubas did some good things here. Itโ€™s ok to admit that. He also did some shitty things, but guess what? There isnโ€™t a single GM whoโ€™s batting 1000.

    He wanted more power, Shanny (obviously) didnโ€™t want to give up any, so we dumped him.

    I wish him the best in Pittsburgh, just not against the Leafs.

  13. Their arrogance and โ€˜grass is always greenerโ€™ mindset just led them into another rebuild. Always liked them when they were here. Donโ€™t like the way he conducted himself on the way out.

    If he felt trapped and wanted more control and he has it.

  14. edgeisagoodwrestler

    Come back Jason, before itโ€™s too late

  15. Huge_Beginning5552

    He’s probably more inclined to be a GM than Dubas is truthfully

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