@Vancouver Canucks

Garland post-game interview chant and cheers

Garland post-game interview chant and cheers

by Batsinvic888


  1. There are NHL GMs being paid millions that decided to pass on this guy for free

  2. TheSoulllllman

    So fucking cool, man. Fans went big at the end, love it.

  3. Walkinghawk22

    Only good thing to come out of the OEL trade.

  4. Nuck_1198

    All this video needs is a “Because its the cup” or “History will be made” outro lol.


    Love moments like this!

  5. CrayonOlympics

    Moments like this are why sports are so great man.

    Here’s a guy who his whole career has been called undersized, told he wasn’t good enough. Cut from high school teams, undrafted until he was 20 years old, scrapped and dogged his way up from the 4th line in the AHL to the NHL. Finally gets a chance on a top line in Arizona and the team is too cheap to re-sign him as an RFA. Traded in a nearly universally criticized deal to a rabid fanbase, has two nightmare seasons off the ice with the GM and two coaches getting fired, and then is basically told that he’s a cap dump and that the team doesn’t want him anymore. All the while he’s just been plugging away working hard, winning battles and playing the right way and has never once said a bad word about the city or the fanbase that has at times been really tough on him for (IMHO) no good reason.

    He absolutely deserved every second of this, he was almost crying and hell I would be too, what a moment, what a game.

  6. N4ZZY2020

    this city’s incredible when the team’s winning. can you imagine if we win the cup?

  7. xXCATF1SH

    He’s played with balls, grit and the dog all year. Unsung hero imo. He earned it tonight

  8. metrichustle

    You can tell he loves it. Coming from Arizona where there were only 19 fans

  9. AshiswaifuRZT

    garly was worth the guenther pick and taking the horrible oel contract

  10. helixflush

    He literally couldn’t answer the last one he was so overwhelmed with the crowd. This is the stuff that pushes them.

  11. couldbeworse2

    Dude works his ass off Every. Single. Shift. Creates chances out of nothing. Forechecks and guards the puck like no one I’ve ever seen. Deserves all of this and more.

  12. GiraffePrint_Speeder

    Love Garland. Such a huge piece of this team.

  13. Due_Entertainment_44

    He’s become everything we hoped for and more, when he first came here. 100% effort.

  14. This guy is worth every dollar he’s paid. Absolute catalyst for the team every night. Kind of player you need come playoff time.

  15. skatesoff2

    There was a great CON-NOR GAR-LAND cheer where I was!! Loved this moment.

  16. TopTittyBardown

    That’s the kind of crowd reaction that’s gonna make these guys want to fight for every fucking inch in the playoffs. You win for fans that are that rabid and you become a legend in that city forever

  17. culpepperjosh

    Padres come back from 8 down
    Canucks secure an important victory against a western powerhouse
    It was a good day

  18. nodarknesswillendure

    He’s never going to forget this night. We really do love a good four-syllable chant.

  19. PaperweightCoaster

    He was definitely feeling it there, glad he was able to take a moment to soak it all in. He deserves all of it and more.

  20. manilagold

    We all wear turtlenecks to games going forward ❤️

  21. Objective-Recipe3495

    This guy’s going to be moving like he got shot out of a cannon in the playoffs. You can tell this hyped him up so much.

  22. It’s a lot better in Vancouver, I’ll tell you that for free.

  23. Overwhelmed with emotions. Good job to the fans at the house tonight making this guy feel the love. Well deserved!

  24. Love G, anyone know what the song played at the end is?

  25. renegade_voltage

    You love to see it, hopefully all the boys start playing like he does. Just try hard every time you are on the ice. Simple

  26. djblackprince

    This just created a playoff beast. Well done everyone

  27. KwamesCorner

    I can’t understand why more people don’t see it this way but whenever I watch he’s a top 3 player on the Ice making an impact.

    It’s almost always Miller and Quinner and then Garland is the next guy up making the biggest impact. I just don’t think you can say enough about how often he steals the puck in the offensive zone and creates a chance. It’s kind of unbelievable. It might not show up on the stats enough to justify what I’m saying but I think his value is so much more than that.

  28. The guy works his fucking ass off every shift. He’s always skating hard, full strides, low to the ice. I want to buy his jersey but whatever player’s jersey I get they always end up getting traded so I’ll hold off 😂😒

  29. Infinite-Tomorrow-15

    Garly went from undesirable to undeniable!!!

  30. funkiemarky

    Love that he couldn’t even answer the last question. Always liked Garland, no one swashes buckles like our boy, GaRRRRRRRRland.

  31. So great to see his success this season.

    Funny story, That season when he first arrived I got the wonderful chance of encountering him and a few other players coming down the Grouse Mountain gondola lol
    I think it was Miller, Pearson, Horvat and Garland all with their families. Gondola was pretty empty too with myself and few other skiers.. I was starstrucked and didn’t say anything until we all got off and started walking. I turned around and welcomed Garland to the city. He was very humble. That and I was also similar In height lol so he was easy to approach. Haha

    Let’s hope he is a beast in the playoffs !

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