@New Jersey Devils

[Ryan Novozinsky] “Timo Meier downplays the role injuries had on his turbulent start to 2023-24, instead citing a role change –– and more communication –– under Travis Green as the reason for his boom.”


I was one of those “he was injured” guys, but apparently the coaching change was huge.

Edit: I mean to say I thought the timing of his injury recovery happened to coincide with the coaching change more than anything, not that it wasn’t a factor.

by TediousSpark


  1. uticadevil

    Travis will make a great head coach next season — the players like him.

  2. nsfwITGUY19

    I do think he was injured for a lot of the first half of the season. But being the guy he is, he’s not going to use that as an excuse. These guys don’t blame anything on injury. They all play injured at some point.

    But I’m sure the coaching change did have a big impact. Lindy is a great coach. There’s a reason he is one of the winningest coaches ever. But he just didn’t have a handle on the team any more. He was so hung up on making the team change to fit his ideas. He never changed anything to accommodate his talent.

    Lindy used to be great at developing young players. But he just wasn’t the right fit here any more. He was making all the wrong decisions which were amplifying our injuries, poor defense, goaltending issues, etc

  3. chickenKsadilla

    Players are never going to publicly use injuries as an excuse

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