@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers Stanley Cup Champion Clock

Hey Flyers fans. I’m a Tampa fan coming to show you this amazing peice my work mom gave to me today. Her mother worked for the Flyers in the 70s and they made x amount of these for the staff. The molding broke so they only got to make so many. I was a pretty big Flyers fan back in the 90s when i was young and new to hockey. i found a puck with a flyers logo on it as a kid here in central florida and tuned in. Quickly i became a huge Lindros and LeClaire fan. As time pushed on i became a bolts fan due to being local but i’ll always cherish the flyers as my first team i ever rooted for. This piece means so much to me as an avid fan of the sport and the history of the sport! I just wanted to share with you all and i do hope this is okay to post here.

by Arrfist


  1. AC_deucey

    “Win today, and we’ll clock together forever”

  2. Madonnaranch

    The plate slightly resembles the one given out to dinner guests at the 1980 NHL all star game in Detroit. 1980 had colour logos.

  3. infamous-binder

    Cool stuff!

    They made a few different types of plates around the times they won the cup. Seen a few turned into clocks like this which IMO is better than a commemorative plate.

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