@Dallas Stars


Heavyweight hall of fame legend Mike Tyson is back in the gym putting in work with 2-time Coach of the Year Rafael Cordeiro as he prepares to step back into the ring again on July 20 when he faces cruiserweight sensation Jake Paul at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas. You don’t want to miss what goes down in the events leading up to the fight. Check it out!


  1. Definitely didn’t snap. The old Tyson would’ve just slapped the shit outta him without saying a word

  2. Iron mike said look mfer Slow.That shit the fuck down before I fuck you up.He was serious about that shit. He said if it was anybody else. He would have fucked them up. Tyson ain't no fuckin joke Whether he's twenty years old or a hundred years old. That dude is dangerous.

  3. good thing that guy isnt a fighter the way he moving around he going to be tired before half the first round is done

  4. What a buncha clout clowns.
    Old Mike would have given no warning. He would have just collected teeth and souls.

  5. I think dudes lack of form and hopping around like a coked up madman kind of aggravated Mike…dude definitely had a couple rails before this bit cause that aint no energy drink bit. I promise.

  6. Hahaha, I love seeing this side of Tyson!!! The humor!!! He was probably this humorous all the time, but the media painted him him totally differently!!! Not to say he wasn't the type to bash a face in!!! But they can't report any truth about people!!! It's just good to see this side!! He is the CHAMP!!!

  7. Майк Тайсън е най бруталният и експлозивен боксьор за всички времена. Той е истински шампион.
    Лоши мениджъри, счетоводители, " приятели " , които го измъкнаха като пиявици. Боклуци като Дон Кинг и компания са за затвора. Те нагласиха Тайсън да лежи, защото всички залагаха на Тайсън и печелеха пари, а това не е добре за и за бизнеса. За пари хората провалят животи, предават приятели , всякакви гадости. Колко жалък вид сме, а искаме да достигнем космоса и да се свържем с други интелигентни форми на живот. Това няма как да стане докато света се управлява от шепа фамилии, банкери, унищожители на света и майката природа. Да пукнат всичките час по скоро. Иначе човечеството загива. Сега няма истински спорт, всичко е бизнес. Всичко е от любов към спорта и спортистите. Другото е измама и много пари.

  8. Imagine getting to yours 50s and still being unable to throw a punch and having 2 left feet. Some people are so ineffective and made to be cucks, if somebody insulted his family or attacked them he’s had 50 odd years to learn not to prance about like a kangaroo punching like that. Pathetic.

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