@Philadelphia Flyers

I dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me

I made this bet at 1am while drunk and stoney bolonga after we started the season 1-0. My entire logic was a full year of torts, and coots and cam would be back healthy, but also that it would be very Flyera to make the playoffs after the preseason predictions had us in the absolute bottom of the league. I live in CA where sports betting is still illegal, so I decided to let it ride even when I knew I should have asked my brother to log in and cash me out. These last 8 games have been brutal and I know we’re technically still in it, but this team has just run out of gas. I still believe in the torts and Briera rebuild though. I’ll be placing this same bet next season.

Go Flyers. Fuck the penguins. Fuck crosby.

by BobBoberts


  1. JiveChicken00

    That’s eight dollars more than I would’ve bet at the time. Honestly this collapse isn’t breaking my heart as much as last year did, because now I see hope for the future.

  2. Theres a geief that cant be spoken,
    Theres a pain that goes on and on,
    Empty chairs in empty bleachers,
    Now my playoff hopes are dead and gone

  3. DelcoInDaHouse

    It’s my fault. I bought season tickets in February. Forgive me father for i hath not known what i have done.

  4. Th3Oscillator

    Current odds for them to make the playoffs are +750 so at this point in time your bet is considered a good bet relatively speaking!

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