@Detroit Red Wings

Do the Detroit Red Wings Have to WIN OUT?

Neal Ruhl and Flannel Sam get into a heated debate about the Detroit Red Wings and their race to the playoffs. Who’s side are you on? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. 100% with Flannel on this one. Neal – you’re forgetting that the Wings can lose and have been losing to literally EVERYONE since March…we are “relying” on other teams to beat teams that we somehow don’t know how to beat, that’s why the second WC spot continues to change. The Wings have 3 players who give a crap, while the rest of the team + the coaching staff don’t seem to care at all. They just can’t hold their own right now. Hopefully this changes in the offseason.

  2. I could see them winning in Toronto tomorrow since they are locked in the 5th seed. So Toronto may not play as hard if the game ment moving up a seed spot

  3. Both Caps and Pens have pretty tough remaining schedules. Wings play a crappy Habs team last two games. I think Wings make it in.

  4. Jared Goff is talking about this ass hat, when talking about Detroit sports talk.. this turd thinks he knows what he is talking about. But he doesn't know crap. Just talking trash about any team he can

  5. Detroit ain’t winning out. It’s not happening. They haven’t showed us in well over a month of hockey games…. That they are capable of stringing along any kind of win streak. None.

  6. Im so over this moral victory crap, ive lived long enough to just settle for moral victory's with the Lions back then, either win or get out, you got the cap space and you have prospects you could have plugged and played but you choose nothing, take your moral victory and shove off

  7. Lyons play has dropped because the defense of play has collapsed. Lyon isn't a full year starter but if we are able to get another goalie and have a good rotation this team will take the next step up with help of a better defense as well in front of them

  8. Sorry Neal, you’re wrong when it comes to Debrincat.. he’s been irrelevant the last 10-15 games.. Wings aren’t a 1 line team… are you forgetting about Raymond?? Lyon is a decent goalie, the defense is god awful. Laonde is doing Mo a disservice by pairing that pice of garbage Chairot with him

  9. If Kane actually shot in the 3rd instead of try to pass that was an easy empty net goal. I'm tired of him trying to be a playmaker. Quit the European game garbage and shoot the puck. Go North to South. Get the rebound and scoring chance. Edvinsson had an easy empty net goal too. That was a 2 goal win game for us.

  10. I’m with Flannel on this one. The Wings have absolutely played horrible in these game that matter the most. I blame Lalonde. His system sucks. Lack of goal scorers scoring shows that. (How’s Kostin doing). Ras, Compher, Veleno, Copp are all taking spots from the younger guys that probably out perform all of those guys. Goaltending sucks. The Defense sucks. Last night, for example when we had a solid what felt like a three minute onslaught only for Pittsburgh to come right down and fire one shot and it goes in the net. It’s embarrassing.

  11. Lyon is a league minimum paid goalie……hes far outplayed his contract value. to put the blame on him is ridiculous

  12. Its really good of woodward sports to employ someone with obvious mental deficiencies as flannel

  13. Why does he keep yelling at flannel the whole time? This guy is trying to be Valenti but he's just annoying. This show is horrible. Stop it.

  14. Let's just call it guys, no need to play the final 3 games, no need to see what happens. Not a professional sport, or anything. Not a team that has improved so much over the last few seasons. Not a team who is a goaltender, and defensive depth away from a regular playoff contender. But nope just doesn't matter. Stupid same bullshit back and forth. Losing my interest in this channel.

  15. Who is this clown in the sweatshirt? Anybody who knows anything about hockey knows it's "who gets hot at the right time". In the last 10 games, the Pens are 7-0-3. The 3 other teams in contention for the last wildcard (Caps, Wings, Flyers) are a combined 8-15-7. The Pens have gained 9 points on the Caps, 8 on the Wings, and 11 on the Flyers in the last 10 games! I'm a Wings fan, but I'm also a realist. My money is on the Penguins. Oh, and you really need to drop Planet Fitness as a sponsor. They cancelled the membership of a woman who reported a man shaving his beard in the women's bathroom at their gym and then assigned an escort so HE would feel more comfortable and not be harassed by women who found a man in their bathroom off-putting.

  16. Listening to the guy trying to justify and argue in favor of the critical losses is nauseating. The Red Wings needed to win two of the past three games…and didn’t. Like McCarty says, “Take care of your own business and not worry about what the other teams need to do.”

  17. What people like Flannel don’t get is…if they do make the Playoffs this year…it’s a BONUS !!! Everyone had the Wings pegged for seventh in the division this year, and they’ve EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS. It would be awesome if they made the Playoffs, and I’ll be a little bummed if they don’t, but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme. The Wings have good young talent and a top tier farm system. Next year…Pittsburgh, Washington, Boston and Tampa are all another year older. They probably pass three of those four teams (I’m not gonna say they’ll pass Boston because every year I think they’re going to fade, they win another President’s Trophy). Edvinsson is playing 82 next year, hopefully you resign and get a full year of Patty Kane. Perron, Sprong, Ghost, and Fischer might be gone…but you’ll replace them with Kasper, Danielson, Mazur, etc. this team is only going to get BETTER. I don’t know how people don’t see that !!!

  18. Flannel has come a long way from saying McCarty and the Grind Line wasn't a big part of the Wings Cup runs.

  19. Listening to neal defend where the wings are and how we got here is absolutely comical. The pens have more regualtion wins then wings. And there on fire. If there is a tie pens get it. What is he talking about?? Wings are at 17 % chance.U think biston is gonna go out and play 100% when they have locked there spot? Pens could easily win against boston

  20. Bottom line, many of these Wings' players are making millions of $'s per year and have not delivered, even statistically. What does that tell you about the team? They were so close to locking at least the 2nd spot in the Wildcard but have been virtually non-existent and inconsistent in their play on the ice the past month. It's sad that it happens when you're so close and you don't clinch a spot in the playoffs when you had a lock on a playoff spot for most of the season. I'm also feeling Flannel as well. Something happened to this Wings team at or near the trade deadline to trigger such a lackluster performance in play on the ice. Better fortune next year.

  21. I got mad respect for all of you Woodward Cats…

    I’m 70% Flannel
    30% Neil right now.

    The sky isn’t falling. Lucas Raymond is emerging as a star. We need 2 good defensemen, 1 legit scorer, & a mid tier goalie who can occasionally get hot.

    If anyone thought they were going to set the NHL on fire with this roster I want some of what they’re smoking. The bottom line is they’re getting better. The sad part is they played their best hockey 2 months before they should have!

  22. Jesus, while Sam does have a point about the Wings, I cannot stand listening to him argue. Sounds like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum.

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