@Chicago Blackhawks

Spittin’ Chiclets Ep 9 – Colby Armstrong Dummying Guys

Colby Armstrong Highlights of Hits
Spittin Chiclets Episode 9 –

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  1. The league was totally different back then. Guys would get crushed like this all the time, and it was your own fault for not having your head up

  2. The one in high slot is definitely dirty… there comes a point where you use common courtesy out there and not try to end a guys career.

  3. Old tough hockey is the best keep your head up now these young guys have no clue bring back the old true tough hockey it's a clean brand and if it dirty you have some one you have to answer to

  4. back then that was the league and you didn't think twice about it. But fast forward a decade, we now know the actual damage a headshot can have on someone's life

  5. Didn’t realize he was such a garbage player…I won’t be surprised if he gets canceled after this. Just look at the dirt Jacob Truba is getting dragged through, and colb y was 1000 times worse.

  6. One of the biggest bums to make the nhl😂😂all he could do is take cheap shots at players that were way better then his was what a bitch😂😂

  7. The Letowski hit was dirty, as he says. But, the rest of these are clean shoulder-to-shoulder or shoulder-to-chest hits on guys carrying the puck, almost all of whom got right up afterwards. I miss when a guy could lay a big, clean hit and play didn't have to stop because the other four opposing players jump him afterwards.

  8. What an absolute douche. “I see guys with their head down and my eyes would light up.” Targeting players in a vulnerable position and this idiots proud of it

  9. The guy only averaged 23 points per season for his 9 years in the show. I guess he had to get good at something. Looks like taking people's heads off was his chosen skill.

  10. It’s crazy seeing some of these hits laid out and they keep just keep on playing. Nowadays it’s an immediate scrum on any decent open ice check.

  11. Anyone getting mad at Armstrong needs to understand that THIS was the game when he played… and he wasn’t even close to the most terrifying guy in the league at the time.
    There were some real VICIOUS players cruising around back then…. just waiting and watching…..

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