@Washington Capitals

Eyssimont hit on Jensen – Have your say!

Michael Eyssimont seriously injured Nick Jensen on this hit. The Capitals player was left the game on a stretcher after being knocked unconscious. After review there was no penalty on this play.
Should there have been or did they get it right?

Have your say!


  1. He did the exact same thing as Tucker did to Bedard, forehand shove. Unfortunately is was close to the boards and he went flying.

  2. Was boarding to me. But I like to call the rules by the letter. NHL seems to hate that for some reason.

  3. There's a catchall penalty for this: intent to injure. Was late, in a dangerous spot, and unnecessary. It was not a "body check".

  4. he dumped a guy that wasnt paying attention, no penalty and he still answered the bell later in the game. Also cap fans should be careful what they say considering what wilson has done over the years, this was a guy being caught unawares and hitting his head because of it. Glad jensen seems to be ok.

  5. Watch the hit after reading the definition of the penalty and tell me with a straight face that yhis doesnt meet the defintion to a tee.

  6. Michael Eyssimont is a known dirtbag around the league. He's a talentless pylon out there so his game is solely shit like this. Tom Wilson will kill him next year.

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