@Toronto Maple Leafs

Liljegren to the room, 2 for Boarding

Play was not reviewed for a major from the referees. Pierre Lambert, and François St. Laurent working the game tonight.

Lilly hasn’t returned to the game yet and was holding his face/head after the hit, really hoping he’s okay. I’m not sure how this one isn’t even reviewed? Maybe they felt Veleno didn’t extend his arms enough? It was numbers all the way.

by crushade


  1. RecalcitrantHuman

    What a joke of a league. Fuck this team for our response though.

  2. Reggae4Triceratops

    He’s back, thankfully. Looked like he went to the room due to a concussion spotter.

  3. Silent-Obligation-49

    If there was ever a need to call a 5 min major for checking from behind this was it. Just brutal he only got 2 mins.

  4. That is fucking bullshit and I hope the boys go confetti gloves in the next 40 minutes. I also hope this unlocked an animal in Liljegren because he looked pissed his first shift back.

  5. Ta-veren-

    It’s gonna really piss me off when Toronto gets a major on something else then that during the playoffs

  6. buddachickentml

    If Rielly does that it’s 5 and a game no questions asked. These refs sucked tonight, and they blew the other game last week they worked.

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