@Chicago Blackhawks

Connor Murphy Hopping On PEDs || The “Akawpolicks” Is Near

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#GregDoucette #ConnorMurphy #PED


  1. I don't know why coach Greg doesn"t understand that Connor just doesn't want to suppress test nor be dependent on anything.

  2. And here I though he already got enough gains from the "sacred proteinshakes" he asks his friends for…

  3. Hi Doc! Big fan of your videos. Love the info in your videos esp regards to walking, fasting, dieting and insulin/cortisol/hormonal responses. However another youtuber I follow who is a doctor and former olympian pro has very differing views to yourself in regards to carbs and fasting.

    Doctor Stan Ekberg.

    Is there any chance you could do a response video to his claims as I am quite confused by the conflicting information both you gentlemen present.

    Thank you.

  4. he doesnt mean a real zombie apocalypse. Just means he doesnt want to be dependant on test in the long term…

  5. All of this is a bit foolish; his cycle idea isn't great but your contribution is pretty poor too. You're on HRT because you abused steroids and can't produce testosterone naturally anymore. If his natural testosterone levels are currently in order, taking 140mg would absolutely suppress his HPTA and damage his natural hormone profile, so looking for alternatives to avoid that shut down is actually more reasonable if he's trying to be careful of his health.

    That said, MK-677 isn't a great option either, but the turkesterone is probably the most reasonable thing he's considering.

  6. I think that Connor is no longer doing drugs and that is why he take care about his image again. I hope he doesn't fall on that again

  7. I feel like Conor is just saying all this to promote these sarms companies that probably pay him. He is probably taking real stuff and not these sarms.

  8. While we all take sups to protect our organs, lets not forget to protect our brain as well. Brain damage is bad

  9. who wants to bet Connor is going to blast every nandrolone-derived compound under the sun and claim it’s only MK-677

  10. 4:20 Eh, yes??? Are you out of your freaking mind? You have massive protein oxidation and a very positive nitrogen balance at that point. Dont listen to this quack, he has no idea.

  11. The funny thing is I'm working out and lifting weights to be slim and toned ..I dont want huge if you are a fighter of any discipline having huge muscles doesn't make you a good fighter…boxers lose some weight for speed…

  12. imprese my girlfriend??? what kind of nonsense is that. if she is your girlfriend then she must be already impressed by you, u dont need to hop on gear… wtf

  13. Connor has been vegan for like a year now, a well planned whole foods version at that. One of the few normal good things he has done since going crazy

  14. I watched One video on this man…. then I got lead down the Craziest Trail of Related Videos… and I'm afraid I cannot stop watching… So glad Connor is looking healthier at present, but also glad his tumultuous journey reached so many amazing creators and we were all able to learn about all of you and potentially learn about other stuff we would have never been exposed to otherwise. Good day Sir~! You Look Great~!

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