@Toronto Maple Leafs

Jake mf Mccabe

What a warrior. Posted on April 15, Maple Leafs availability
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by Fluffy-Concert4763


  1. Svalbard38

    Still nuts that we got this guy 50% retained for 2 full seasons and part of another.

  2. justmememe55

    Jeeezzz… It’s right near the eye. He’s so lucky it didn’t impact his vision. That’s nuts. I’m really glad he’s going to be ok. Surprised he’s not concussed tbh.

  3. This is going to look hard as fuck once playoffs start, you’re a gangster McCabe!

  4. International_Eye394

    dude is a fucking beast holy shit 😳

  5. thewolfshead

    That’s what I’m talking about! Thank you Brad for bringing in real GRIT and snot that’ll stand up for each other! 

  6. Reggae4Triceratops

    I honestly expected much worse. He’s built different.

  7. alainalain4911

    This looks like the “why is it always me?” face.
    I’m sure he’d appreciate a few week without his face getting mashed in. Wouldn’t bet on it being this week or next.

  8. Sirloinobeef

    Like Mike Foligno’s nose but his entire face!

  9. typesomethin

    Has anyone improved more this season than McCabe? Don’t get me wrong, McMann and Benoit are way better than I had them pegged, you could make a case for Robertson too, but no has improved more season over seas than McCabe

  10. Vote_Tanner

    Big fan of this guy, hope he sticks around cos so far I wouldn’t be ashamed to wear a jersey with his name on it at all (hope they all stick around for longer this year, but ya get what I mean)

  11. lHoneyBadger

    Glad he didn’t lose his eye, that would have socked

  12. TheGardiner

    “Is it important for this team to be healthy going into the playoffs?”

    What kind of a jackoff asks a question like that? No, you fuck, it’s not important for us to be healthy. Honestly these guys all need to be fired into the sun. Moronic questions night in and night out.

  13. Battle_Glittering

    Jake McCabe looking like he got hit in face with a sword…

  14. Battle_Glittering


  15. Nearby_Carpenter_984

    His face has been banged up for months.
    What a warrior!!

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