@Dallas Stars

Jump Off: Drazen Petrovic vs Vlade Divac (Mar.27, 1990)

The tip goes to Vlade, but Petro scores a deuce at the other end. Commentary by legendary Chick Hearn.

Find out even more inside details about Drazen Petrovic’s celebrated international career on the both sides of the Atlantic Ocean from the most recent book about the basketball legend ‘Drazen – The Years of the Dragon’ which can be found at


  1. Kakvi igraci…!!! Kako na terenu, tako i van njega… Mozemo samo da sanjamo da cemo nekada imati opet igrace slicne ovoj dvojici…

    Sad nam dolaze samo picopevci i napaljeni, nafurani igraci… :(((

    RIP Drazen
    RIP YU


  2. i wish drazen got the chance to play the rest of his career and live his life! he would have been an alltime great!

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