@Colorado Avalanche

Is there a goalie controversy brewing in Colorado? Say it ain’t so… – Mile High Sports

Is there a goalie controversy brewing in Colorado? Say it ain’t so… – Mile High Sports

by runwriteaarif


  1. Starting Annie today would be a solid choice. He has been looking pretty solid.

  2. SharkShark80

    Someone needs to get hot. MacDaddy has been carrying this team. It’s playoffs time. We’ll get to the controversy in the offseason. All in!

  3. AuntGentleman

    This hits the nail right on the head.

    Georgie might be slightly worse than Kuemps, but the team is playing as if he was Helly or Vasi. Asking him to be something he isn’t, refusing to protect high danger ice or play team defense.

    The Avs have allocated salary cap to other positions over goaltending. Georgie has been “acting his wage” lately, not stealing games, but not directly losing them either. He’s playing as we should expect for his cap hit, compared to other stretches where he’s been directly losing games.

    But the $26.8m spent on defense is just leaking goals left and right. Not to mention our “two way” forwards.

  4. I like juice the team seems to respond to him more

  5. DeadHead6747

    There is no controversy, there hasn’t been a controversy. Georgie in net today

  6. gallapagos42

    One playing better than the other won’t fix a thing. Both the D core and goalies need to play better at the same time. Hope the scoring doesn’t dry up and things line up right for us

  7. Start the Goalie that has the hot hand…as much as I like Georgie, it is feast or famine with him last half of this season. I know the D has not been good in front of him but if you are a top of the line goalie, you have to stand on your head to carry your team sometimes. Georgie hasn’t done that in my opinion. I think Annie is the starter going into the playoffs…Georgie has no confidence and is giving up cup cake goals on top of that.

  8. begrrreat13

    Can we not be the hockey fans that blame the goalie? If you think we can’t win with Georgie, you’re wrong. He is absolutely capable and has performed well in the past.

  9. It’s not a goalie controversy but Georgiev’s leash is getting shorter every game. Solid first period today so far.

  10. El_bearded_polarbear

    I feel like we’ve driven Georgie into the ground and over worked him, until the second half of the season when juice got more comfortable and started showing signs of progress we were working king George non stop and now I feel it’s come back

  11. anemic_royaltea

    If I find out that Georgie’s responsible for the defense — which is anchored by two dudes considered locks for team Canada, two all world two way forwards, a solid second pairing, a fairly robust bottom six — getting dog walked on a regular basis, well… I’m confused how he’s done this but he should be made to pay I suppose.

    More likely culprit is JJ. And uh, complacency? I don’t even know, it’s unfathomable. This was the best core by far two years ago and it’s not like they’re old and busted — top ten shouldn’t be unreasonable.

  12. Wicked_Grizzly

    Comparing Kuemper with one of the most solid defensive cores in recent memory in front of him, to Georgie with….whatever is going on with the Avs D this year is hack and disingenuous. But this sub just lovesssss making the goalie the whipping boy. Georgie went 40-16-6 with 5 shutouts. A .919 S% with a 2.53 GAA in his first season with the Avs. The defense was worlds better last season than it is now. If you don’t realize that a goalie’s performance goes hand in hand with defensive performance then you aren’t worth having a conversation with.

  13. Lilprotege

    There better be. Georgie has no confidence, which guarantees us another exit unless if we give the kid the reigns.

  14. BishSalad

    If anybody here still thinks Georgiev is better than Kuemper after that third goal today against Vegas, you’re delusional. 31 of 32 starting NHL goalies save that. Kuemper was better when he was playing with one working eyeball.

  15. GaryOakRobotron

    It’s really clear-cut. The Avs need to bring in a real #1 goalie and either trade Georgiev or make him a backup again.

    They also need to clean house on the blue line, because this ain’t it. Prime Patrick Roy couldn’t carry this defensive play through more than a round.

  16. blackizard

    Maybe we can get Stolarz this offseason? He’s been playing well for Florida. 6’6 with a .925 SV% and he’s only signed to a 1 year so he’s a free agent this summer 👀

  17. mikess101

    Is there a goalie controversy brewing? My dudes, it has been brewed, canned, shipped, stocked, bought, brought home, set on the table, opened, and sipped.

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