@Buffalo Sabres

The following members of the coaching staff have been relieved of their duties

“The following members of the coaching staff have been relieved of their duties”

by skibum607


  1. nefarious_dareus

    Oh my god they actually did it. Love 2 be wrong about my team doing the wrong thing.

  2. professorwhiskers87

    And so begin the cherished tradition of the offseason teardown.

  3. PrinciplesRK

    Wow they actually have standards

    Edit: how the fuck did Ellis keep his job

  4. sobuffalo

    How did Ellis survive? lol

    Bring on Lindy. This isn’t “bring back washed vets” type thing, but he’s a legit coach that could really be a fit.

  5. ITAdmin91

    Rob Ray must of put a good word in Matty Ellis

  6. IAmDixonWood

    I’ll always be thankful for Donny Meatballs for bringing energy back to a team that went a very long time without it. Navigating the post-Eichel era was almost certain to be thankless, but I think he managed pretty decently.

    That being said, 50% of the league makes the playoffs and missing for as long as he had (ignoring the rest of the drought) meant it was time for a change. Wish him well, hopefully the next guy can get us over that hump.

  7. teehuff98

    Wow, no Matty Ellis? Make him the head coach now, jk.

  8. Adding to the 1,000 of the same comment… we’re keeping Matt Ellis?!

  9. Remember that there will be additional staffing changes when a new head coach is hired.

  10. AmaziahJames

    New roof. New screen. New roof. Time party like it’s 1996

  11. stuiephoto

    Keep it clasy everyone. 

    Donny did the legwork to change the culture here and I thank him for his hard work and dedication. It was no longer a good fit for his coaching style with this group of players and was time to move on. 

    I wish him nothing but the best and hope he can land on his feet and have a successfull career moving forward. 

  12. Grouchy-Dentist6734

    Is this really happening?

    Also I’m sure everyone can relax, a new coach won’t leave Ellis behind the bench. Unless?

  13. Sherman88

    What did poor Matt Smith do to deserve this? /s

  14. jimmyintheroc

    “Matt Ellis will be assuming the role of head coach.”


  15. TheBlubbedOne26

    I cannot stop saying “Holy shit” out loud lmfao

  16. Aspence22

    😂Wth did Matt the video coordinator do that was so bad it prompted putting his name near the top of that list?

  17. comicsanscatastrophe

    Not going to get excited until we hire a good and proven coach with a playoff resume (at least make them consistently)

  18. Minuarvea1

    I’m feeling strangely indifferent about this. Yes, I think it’s the best move that can be made. It was a very disappointing season and I believe a lot of that lies on Don, but he still was great at developing the team. Lots of players thrived under him. It’s a real shame it didn’t work out with him, but I’m glad it’s finally over.

  19. The_Mike_El

    You mean having Matt Ellis as the power play coach didn’t work? shocking. They have the ability to attract some really good coaches. Lets do this. Granato was good for the young players, now they are past that. Someone with some real offensive ideas and a more direct defense. Please start being good again.

  20. budboomer

    If there was one thing I’ve been saying about the 2023-24 Buffalo Sabres, it’s that their videos were not properly coordinated.

  21. Well I can’t say we didn’t all see it coming.

  22. Good-Bot_Bad-Bot

    Whew! I was a little worried the Sabres would do nothing. I am not comfortable with Adams being the highest level hockey guy but would be shocked if there was any significant front office changes.

  23. aaaaaliyah

    And you guys said Pegula would never let it happen

  24. Buff716917

    Glad they did it before the Players cleared their lockers out. Don’t have to answer dumb questions on whether he will or won’t be fired. Now can hopefully have some accountability and move forward

  25. grumpy_meat

    Donny seems like a great guy and I really wanted him to be “the guy”. His and his team’s performance just plateaued too much to ignore. He’s still leaving this team in a much better place than he inherited it and I’m thankful for that.

  26. ExileBoy101

    Donnie was good at developing the young players and we have started to climb the mountain albeit very slowly but he wasn’t the man to get us over the line and into the playoffs as this season showed, hope we don’t go cheap, we’re crying out for a coach who’s got teams into the playoffs, don’t really care about how we play the game next season we’ve just got to be one of the sixteen who make it, this drought can’t extend to fourteen seasons

  27. HiddenFlyOnTheWall

    “After an extensive coaching search, we have decided to promote Matt Ellis as the new head coach of the Buffalo Sabres”

  28. Quetzalcoatl490

    Thank God, I thought they weren’t actually gonna do it.

    Now go get a HC with Stanley Cup experience, like Gallant or Berube

    In retrospect, it sounds like Donny knew last night after he was asked about his job security when the game was over, and he “preferred to focus on tonight’s win”, the writing was on the wall.

  29. stalktheground

    Tage, Cozens and missing the playoffs by 1 point, the extension was valid. We were progressing and right there. But we hit a wall and this absolutely had to be done. Please do not do the typical thing and promote Appert. We have to have playoff experience behind the bench.

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