@Vancouver Canucks

You have holidays in two days.

You have holidays in two days.

by westleysnipez


  1. De_Floppss

    Love it when we’re on this side of the chirping

  2. electricnux

    LMAO he speaks!

    it’s funny that Hronek is in the top 10 of those NHL players who have played the most regular season games without ever making playoffs

  3. That’s a ~~small body~~ 8 million dollar chirp, gentlemen.

    Pay this man immediately.

  4. Mister_Me_Seeks

    Hronek can keep on not talking to the media if he saves it for these kind of chirps

  5. ProfessionalPieHole

    Thats a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?


    The first words I’ve hear come out of his mouth. Well worth the wait LOL

  7. thesunsetflip

    Ironic considering Hronek has never played a playoff game and has the 7th most GP without a single playoff game

    dudes been waiting to drop that for like 5 seasons

  8. Apprehensive-Tea4881

    Chirps like an Irish thug. I like it.

  9. overthisbynow

    So I guess he has to get his big payday now eh? Also cutting out the Shorty oh-oh is criminal

  10. Csquared19

    It’s always a nervous moment opening up the microphone close to the benches like that, but it brought gold and I’m glad everyone heard it. Enjoy!! -the audio guy

  11. ReclaimerM3GTR

    I think he gets 8 mill for that comment alone

  12. burtpark76

    Love that this came through on the mic lol you know that stung the Flames bench

  13. JerbearCuddles

    Ngl, it’s even funnier cause Hronek hasn’t played a playoff game in his first 5 years in the league. Lol. What a beauty. Thought this was Ewan McGregor for a sec too.

  14. HeavyHeight9192

    Awesome! But was he saying that to the ref or the Flames player?

  15. StuckInHoleSendHelp

    Only career in the world where an early long summer vacation is a bad thing

  16. dattroll123

    dont put it on streamable. It’s gonna get taken down

  17. Guilty-Birthday-1344

    As a Canucks fan it was kind of cringe to hear, especially when the flames look like they didn’t even hear him 😬

  18. technicalvowel

    He even leads with a moment of silence. Dudes surgical with his verbal strikes.

  19. SmoothTherapy1992

    I liked this guy before watching this clip but now I’m officially a Hronek fan.

  20. SnooOnions5029

    First time I’ve heard him talk and it was pure gold

  21. leftlanecop

    NGL it’s one of the top highlights of the season for me. As memorable as Burrow’s win the turd.

  22. Captain_JT_Miller

    Lot’s of chirping today. This was probably the safest one lol.

  23. Alarming-Incident842

    Sounds like a Slightly deeper shoresy voice

  24. Jaded-Ad-289

    “Well obviously If they made the playoffs, they wouldn’t have any holidays”- Zaddy PTG probably

  25. BulwarkNuck

    Was hoping someone would share this. Couldn’t find it on PornHub.

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