@Arizona Coyotes

How Much Blame Should The NHL Shoulder For The Coyotes’ Relocation?

32 Thought’s’ Jeff Marek discussed the Coyote’s ownership foibles and what role the NHL had in selecting those various groups.




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  1. In my opinion the reason this is happening as quickly as it is, has everything to do with where they currently play. The NHL has moved teams with an attendance level per game of the Mullet arena and another 3-5 years there is an embarrassment to the league, a drain on the finances of the NHL to continue to support and fund them as a "have not" team. The situation would be different if they were moving into an existing arena and probably a big reason why SLC is an attractive offer.

  2. Zero percent of the blame goes to the NHL. This shitty market didn't want to support them so I hope Utah enjoys what the voters took for granted here.

  3. Who cares. The coyotes sucked here anyways. Hardly anyone attended games. The owners didn't care about the fans. I'm glad that organization is out of Arizona. Arizonans don't really like hockey.

  4. Who’s to blame ? How about looking in the mirror . Multiple owners the NHL had to buy the god damn team at one point. Couldt meet season ticket goals .Fans didt come out to the games didt watch on TV . The team couldt pay its bills kicked out of an area but it’s on the NHL?

  5. Bettman wanted to expand the league to 32 teams. He couldn’t justify the entrance fees that Las Vegas and Seattle paid if he allowed the Coyotes to move for nothing…… so they kept the team in Arizona on life support for the last decade. I would not be surprised if the Golden Knights and the Kraken file lawsuits against the league if this is a permanent move.

  6. I’m still confused why Vegas is a success and coyotes wasn’t if both states started out in the same state in terms of hockey passion and demand.

  7. There's not a single owner in the Coyotes history that I believe the league would have ever let into their club if not for the fact they were specifically rescuing the Coyotes. Not one.

  8. the nhl, which includes the rest of the owners allowed the coyotes to stick around in arizona for years despite the constant loss of money and problems

  9. how much blame? 100% of it. They KNOW that a non-downtown area arena is a big no no in the sports business. And they've had TWO chances now. First strike was building in Glendale, second strike was not getting the state to force the Suns to take on the Coyotes as roommates when the former went to the government for public money for their arena. And they screwed up a big prosperous market like Phoenix. 100% the league screwed up here. As usual. Second time now they've screwed up a bog market. This is Atlanta 2.0

  10. Bettman and the NHL did whatever they could to keep the Coyotes alive in Arizona.
    While everyone is blaming ownership, municipality buy-in was lacking and no one seems to be talking about what a big obstacle that was as well.

  11. Gary Bettman is the girl in a long distance relationship who forks over all the money she's saved for a Greyhound bus ticket across the country, arrives in the city in the early morning and listens to her boyfriend (the Arizona Coytoes) say "I'll be there in a minute…a couple of hours…just got a few more things to take care of…I'm on my way," and Gary says "Okay, love you babe" and she's smiling and so happy to be there, the sun comes up, noon, afternoon, dudes not there and every time she calls he's saying the same thing. Sometimes it goes straight to voicemail. Then she finally goes into the bus station and sees that there's a return bus leaving at midnight. She hesitates a few more hours but the sun has gone down and there's nowhere to sleep tonight. So she buys a ticket "just in case" but if she never has to use it, what's a couple hundred extra bucks in the name of love. She calls him back as the clock hits 11 and it goes to voicemail and she says "Look, I love you and I'll be over the moon if you come, but just in case I've bought a return ticket for the bus at midnight if you don't show up." And then she gets a call five minutes later "Don't worry, right now I'm on my way." It's 11:58 and there's no sign and the driver goes up to her and says "This is the last call, are you coming aboard or not ma'am" and she says "Just one more minute." She looks around at the empty streets, takes a deep breath, and begins to climb the stairs of the bus. It's 12:00 and the bus' engine turns on as well, as the head and tailights, as the driver begins pulling out of the station. Just then a car pulls up, and the boyfriend rushes out of his car and starts to chase the bus. The woman looks out of her window down at the helpless man inaudibly shouting her name at the bus but she turns her head definitely to the front as the bus turns onto the mainstreet; tears in her eyes but defiant that, even reluctantly, she ultimately made the right decision lol

  12. Since the Coyotes arrived in the valley there has been no love from the local media. For years the sports segment of all major news broadcasts were void of game and team coverage. I feel they play a part in this saga.

  13. It’s the fans for not going to games. During the 2011-2012 season. Won the division. Got to the conference finals. And had the lowest average home attendance during that season

  14. I sure wish my team had as much support by the NHL before Norm Green had everything packed into u-hauls and moved to Dallas in the middle of the night.

  15. The NHL is to blame a lot! In vetting this ownership group the NHL saw its opportunity to punch their Marxist DEI virtue card. The game or the fans who love the game didn’t matter. The people had the money and they were of a minority race. This group humiliated the game, its fans and the state of Arizona with their fashion and arrogance. The game? The fans? They couldn’t be bothered. Proper vetting by the NHL should have caught it.

  16. They should've left when Moyes threw the towel but Bettman was too greedy to keep it afloat trying to have a hand in the huge Phoenix market. It could have worked but under different ownership groups along with Bettman kept screwing up everything that they end up betraying everyone.

  17. Why must we always find someone to blame?

    This goes from top to bottom. From the NHL Commish to the fans not showing up.

    You either need to help put a winning program on the ice, or face the consequences.

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