@National Hockey League

Arizona fans’ final goodbye

Arizona fans’ final goodbye

by Hockey-Daily


  1. CheesecakeOdd2087

    Feels bad man. They got done so dirty by an absolute snake oil salesman owner.

  2. InternationalPost447

    Ah man I remember when the jets left winnipeg. Hurt for a long time

  3. 6Arrows7416

    I’ve insulted coyotes fans a few times. It was low, I’ll admit. I still think moving the team is the right decision. But, fuck man. I do feel bad for the fans. The NHL and Phoenix were like two parents in a toxic marriage that needed a divorce. But still, it’s absolute hell for the kids. I just hope that the people who showed up to say goodbye know it’s not their fault. It sucks to be part of a niche fandom that gets abandoned by the league, and the wider community. My heart really does go out to these people. It just sucks, it really sucks.

  4. Hefty_Meringue8694

    I feel bad for all 20 of them 🙁

    Jk, this is real shitty. Living in Utah, I’m stoked for the move here but man this is shitty for their fan base. I’m not holding my breath but hopefully they get that new expansion team. I know Bettman gets a ton of shit, but Arizona really is a great state to have hockey in. It’s a blast going down there during the winter for a game or 2.

  5. Windex-Sniffer

    Don’t worry, I heard Winnipeg will be relocated back there in 5 years.

  6. Assumption-Straight

    32 now and a fan since birth. Played hockey myself also for 28 years. Absolutely heart broken. Hockey belongs in every state. Fans voted, showed up to meetings, and tried. Once it was enough votes, stadium was designed, presented, then rug pulled.

  7. CougarIndy25

    Owner screwed those fans over so hard. Put out a terrible on-ice product, basically forgot to renew the lease on their old stadium, and then cashed out when the going got tough.

    For shame, Alex Meruelo, for shame.

  8. Elegant_Jeweler2252

    There’s no place like the magical mullet! 🦄🌈

  9. EpilepticEmpire

    Had some good times there. Sorry, ‘Yotes fans. This is a bummer for all ya folk.

  10. Ericksdale

    I grew up a Jets fan in Winnipeg and was devastated when they left.

    I feel what coyotes fans are going through. It sucks.

    I followed the politics in Glendale quite closely until the Thrashers relocated. I was fortunate to see a number of games at the Gila arena. It was a great hockey building.

    There’s plenty to deconstruct from the saga in due course. For now, I stand with Coyotes fans.

  11. GustyOWindflapp

    This is rough, especially for all the kids. My kid would be devastated if our team no longer existed. It’s simply heartbreaking.

    Sorry to all yotes fans out there, this is some serious bullshit you have to go through, by no fault of your own.

    And to anyone who thinks hockey can’t work in the desert, just go look who won the goal scoring race this year.

  12. golfisbetterthanwork

    Coyotes fan here, or should I say ex coyotes fan now..

    Now I can only be disappointed by the Cardinals every year, so that cuts my disappointment in half so at least there’s that. Suns are cool, got some ballers so it’s fun to be a fan. Don’t get me started on baseball, too boring to watch for me.

  13. TastyCereal2

    I really feel for all of those fans, it’s quite a sad thing to go through

  14. Maleficent-Comfort-2

    I will forever remember (or my brother will) the 2012 Coyotes Cup Run. Scoring goal after goal against Nashville, Chicago, but getting heartbroken by the Kings. RIP Yotes and Fuck Muerelo

  15. Watching that fan tribute by the players and staff makes me want to get some Hartford merch. I love my Leafs and Wings and don’t have enough from them, nor was I even alive while the Whalers existed, but I like to think my Connecticuter grandfather was a fan (got into hockey after I missed my chance to ask him). I sure would be if they were still around.

    I really hope Arizona doesn’t have to go through what Hartford and Quebec City have gone through, and certainly not what Atlanta has. They deserve to come back – under responsible management, not meruelo.

  16. Mackinnon29E

    If the Avs left, I’d probably follow the core for a few more years and absolutely not be a fan anymore when it becomes unrecognizable.

    Idk if I’d find a new team or just become apathetic to the NHL, while checking in for some playoff hockey.

  17. Shiny_Mew76

    I’ll be honest I was hoping they’d move for the good of the NHL, but man does it absolutely hurt to see people go through this. Absolutely no fan should ever have to see their team leave.

    I know I’ve been wanting an Atlanta or Quebec expansion for a while, but I want to see the Coyotes get their team back in an expansion first, with new ownership and a new arena. Not having ever had a hometown team even be in my state, I don’t really know what it’s like to even have a local team, but to have one and lose it just seems awful. Again, I hope they get their team back, I really do. The move was for the best of the franchise, expanding back to Arizona should be the next step.

    Sorry Yotes fans, I really do feel bad for you all. I wish it could have gone different and Salt Lake could have been an expansion team instead, but I really do think that Arizona will be back in the future. Hang in there and the Yotes will return one day!

  18. marinerpunk

    Fan since I got NHL 97 on Sega Saturn. It’s been a roller coaster ride and I’m very sad. I hope one day we get another team. Until then I’ll just be watching The Rising and The Roadrunners.

  19. TheBreadHasRisen

    Man that post game had me tearing up. Heart goes to you yotes fans out there!

  20. Ambitious_Cake2447

    gotta feel for the fans. 30 years of let downs, disappointments, and bad faith moves from ownership & management. they don’t deserve this.

  21. Free-Supermarket-516

    This really sucks, I feel awful for you Yotes fans.

  22. rideronthestorm29

    This shit sucks fuck that god damned guy

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