@Montreal Canadiens

Results of the r/Habs 2023-2024 Prediction Contest

Congratulations to u/LaCoupe25, winner of this year’s edition!

The only prediction still left outstanding is if the Laval Rocket will have a winning season, but this question is only worth 10 points and cannot have a material impact on the standings.

Please feel free to take a look at the leaderboard and point allotment at [this]( link:

Hope you all enjoyed filling this out, and see you all next season!

by ghostfan9


  1. Really cool thanks for putting this together! Is there any way to review our individual responses? I can’t remember how I answered the questions initially.

  2. DoubleZek

    Nice! Très hâte de voir les résultats de ma première prédiction après la job!

    EDIT: dans le top 75 je suis heureux

  3. Man this is cool. If you are fine with that, i would like to analyze these data more to show some overachievers/underachievers from fans perspective. Would you be ok with that or are you planning to do something like that?

  4. 14th, ill take it!

    thanks for doing this, its a fun exercise!

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