@Toronto Maple Leafs

(Siegel) D pairings at practice. It looks like TJ Brodie will be the odd man out in Game 1 against the Bruins.

(Siegel) D pairings at practice. It looks like TJ Brodie will be the odd man out in Game 1 against the Bruins.

by booomdynamite


  1. booomdynamite

    Rielly — Lyubushkin /
    Benoit — McCabe /
    Edmundson — Liljegren

    To throw my opinion into the mix: I think this is the best D pairings this team can put together. If these don’t work out I would then be in panic mode. BUT…this is a group that will make your life absolute shit in front of the net.

  2. ElephantShell34

    Rielly – Lyubushkin scares me but really, I don’t know what the other options are. One of Boosh or Brodie has to be in, there isn’t really a way around that. 

  3. ConnectOccasion7033

    McMann listed as injured, Nylander didn’t ice.


    Keefe grew a pair these last few weeks with line combos and scratches. Only took 5 years but better late than never.

    The interesting part will be finding out if they’re temporary, gets scared by one L, and goes back to moving a new version of Holl+Kerfoot up and down every other game.

  5. sadleafsfan8834

    Yesssssss. Nice dude but I’m over watching him attempt to play defense and contribute 0 offensively

  6. Chtholly13

    If I’m the Bruins I take advantage of the 1st pair of Rielly-Lybuskin. I hate this pair but I think the other pairs are set.

  7. ESF-hockeeyyy

    Wow, Keefe finally growing a pair. Sometimes he frustrates me because the obvious answer is to play the talent, not the person. I know he’s a player’s coach, but he’s got to evolve a bit too.

    I’m glad he’s rolling out this defensive corp for Game 1. It should be a good game.

  8. Temporary_Bus_1346

    He really fell off a cliff this year. Feel sorry for the guy

  9. world_citizen7

    I actually think this is the best utlization of our D, given the personal we have.

    Reilly will be a puck mover and turn his game up a notch (I think). Lyubushkin has been very hit and miss this year. Benoit & McCabe I just love together, but we must keep things in perspective that they are average Dmen, we tend to overromanticize them due to how they play. Edmundson & Liljegren – we dont know what we will see from them game to game. I wouldnt discount Brodie altogether, if a guy like Edmundson or Liljegren faulters, move Brodie in there (keep everyone on their heels as that can also be a motivator to play well), preventing them from becoming complacent or predictable.

  10. Hoardzunit

    Why the fuck was Willy playing these last two games if he was injured? He should’ve been resting from the start.

  11. Mister_Chef711

    If you told me at the start of the year that Benoit would be dressing over a healthy Brodie for the first game of the playoffs, I never would’ve believed you

  12. steelogreens

    Heartbreaking cause he was Mr. Consistent for so long but he’s simply fallen off.

  13. elcabeza79

    This is the best set of pairings for now. WTF happened to TJ? He used to be the rockstar of quiet competence.

  14. fancypants55

    It’ll be a long series and with these D pairings we may break a few Boston bones. 

    If we go to a game 7, I want the Bruins limping there. 

  15. Counterkiller29

    Nice to see some line changes.

    Really makes you wonder how much influence Dubas had with the line tinkering. Weve criticized Keefe alot with lines and hes adjusted alot this season.

  16. Pete_Roses_bookie

    Serves him right after he stole Mathews’ 70th the other night…haha

  17. RealLifeHotWheels

    It’s not odd to any leafs fan who has watched his repeat issues game after game 😂 – this should be no surprise to anyone.

  18. Siegel saying he would pair him with Reilly was a baffling take

  19. shanster925

    Edmundson needs to be in… His cross-checks per 60 are off the chart.

  20. SnooOranges798

    It’s about damn time. Hard to argue the eye test logic!

  21. exampleofausername

    Rielly/Boosh pairing is gonna get caved in

  22. Nextgengameing

    Brodie with his play this year is the obvious 7th man, and Gio is a great 8th man

  23. VeryAttractive

    That’s a D lineup that is designed for playoff hockey. It’s not perfect but if Boston continues their playoff tradition of constantly getting away with fucking murder throughout the series then hopefully we’ll at least be able to fight fire with fire. McCabe/Benoit/Edmondson/Bush will bring the physicality, then we rely on Rielly/Lily for puck moving. I’m good with this.

  24. mattfromjoisey

    Benoit McCabe is going to be heavy hitting I fucking love it

  25. billcosbyinnocence

    Honestly, Brodie being out is the right choice, especially against a team like Boston, who capitalized on mistakes well.

    Rielly – Lybubushkin is scary tho

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