@Detroit Red Wings

Andrew Copp 2023-24 Detroit Red Wings End of Season Media

Andrew Copp speaks with the media following the 2023-24 Detroit Red Wings season.


  1. I like Copp as a person, but he started the season with 0-5 on 1 v goalie break aways. He's just not the goal scorer he thinks he is.

  2. Dude came to stabilize the rebuild, which we are barely into. He won't be here when we contend. Be grateful, honestly, gets hard minutes, works hard and makes mistakes. He'll finish as a wing with a kid center he can mentor.

  3. May not feel like it right now but there's been progress. Having the young core battle to end is invaluable. Next year needs to be the year of no funny games.

  4. Always liked Copp in his pressers.

    He’ll be more than likely in some kind of role behind a hockey bench after his career is done as a player

  5. Lmaooo. Copp. 🤣🤣😂. I love how he gets a few digs in at the reporters in his pressers. He really speaks his mind and does not hold anything back.

  6. Copper's insight into match-ups and progression of playoff style hockey game really lends insight into how smart this guy is. Looks like a future coach in the making.

  7. To all the Copp haters out there, please tone down your frustration with individual players on the team. But rather direct your frustration to the person who hired him, if you have the maturity and courage to do so (clearly not). If it's missing, shut up or show up your self, -not gone happen either here I guess.

    In fact, (I) LOVE Copp as he has done nothing but what was requested by his employer. To do the crap job day in and day out. This without getting any major headlines or praise from a united Fan base for his positive attitude to shutting down the opponent's best line, whether it concerns 5v5 or PK. A very hard working person who is also open and very honest as he speaks his mind and usually does not hold anything back in these press releases during the regular season or the endings like here. All teams need players of Copp's character to be faithful servants, without asking for their own space in the media. It is quite easy to see that when his career is over, he will fit into a staff role, small or something bigger to grow into.

  8. I like Copp, i just dont think hes lived up to his contract. He signed a long term 25 million dollar deal. I would like to see him chip in more goals. I really like his defensive game. But he has the ability to score goals. Hes had a 20 goal season. Compher has pretty much the same contract and he scored 19 goals, a career high. He also plays solid defense. If Copp could produce like Compher, i would be happy and the team would be better.

  9. Easily the best interview. Not very many canned responses. Very candid about his thoughts and where he is. He's reading between the lines of the questions, and voicing his frustration about his role without coming off as not being a team player. I've not been his biggest fan thus far, as he seems like he plays Darren Helms game without the speed, but listening to him talk I think he's a pretty smart guy and a team player.

  10. I want glory days playing in the background when he was talking about Ras, Fish and himself going up against the other teams top lines. Give me a break. This dipshit literally did nothing in March when the team needed him most. Veteran presence and intangibles mean fuck all. And don’t whine about how hard it is to produce 5 on 5. He’s a terrible player

  11. He’s good for a 4th rounder but yeah he will be traded hopefully in the last year of his contract to get a younger guy some ice time

  12. As much as we talk about Stevie "stealing" players by being on the better end of deals, this guy Copp literally cleaned Stevie's clock 🤦‍♂😂

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