@Arizona Coyotes

This press conference was genuinely hard to watch

Let’s talk about the most recent press conference related to the NHL leaving Arizona, as we have Gary Bettman alongside Alex Meruelo. We’ll recap things from the Arizona and the Utah side on today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. Actually, Meruelo's deal was that he sold the team's non-business properties to the league for $1.2 billion- of that, $200 million goes to the league as a relocation fee, and Meruelo keeps the remaining billion, but will refund it to the league as an expansion fee should his efforts succeed.

  2. The season and playoffs are already too long. Can’t imagine 36 teams and an expanded playoffs.

  3. Ownership failed this team, not the fans. If we had an owner who actually gave a damn and was invested this wouldnt be a topic.

  4. It's bs that the failure of arizona coyotes and if the build a rink they get a new team when if you put a team anywhere in canada they'd out sell arizona and even some of the other teams but Bateman won't bring another team here

  5. Betman is a slave to American Corporatism, Maybe that's because he was born in Queens, Im getting prepared to watch unfair reffing practices against our Canadian teams because of this Douc*ba*,

  6. If Arizona actually had fans this wouldn't be happening 😂😂😂😂 nobody cares un a vacation town

  7. Too many teams already, North America is a big continent and travel is brutal. Playoffs should be best of 5 not 7, the playoff season is too long but money talks i guess

  8. What should be done is the US teams should form their own league
    and let Bettman and his boys collapse in Canada. Their just living like
    parasites feeding off the US market. Hartford may have an arena but
    the state is so corrupt and broke they'd have less of an Audience than a
    WNBA game.

  9. booo. league failed the coyotes all these years. another reason as a life long hockey fan ill keep giving the chl my viewing money. revert the 06 lockout rules

  10. NHL still thinks that arizona is there way into that region. Guess they are trying to keep it in their back pocket.

  11. This is getting out of hand.
    U can't keep expanding while expecting the quality of the product to not suffer.
    Too many teams, too many games, too many worn out players come post season for a post season that itself goes on ridiculously too long.
    Same problem with baseball.
    We need better, not more.
    But, as usual, it's greed driving these endless expansions.

  12. Having suffered through the agony of losing my Thrashers, I hate this for Yotes fans. Just like us, done in by horrible ownership.

  13. Bettman took the cheer of 'Go Jets Go' quite literally, and keeps moving the 1972 Winnipeg Jets to new and exotic locales ✈️

  14. I don’t understand the expansion to Arizona thing. 33 is a weird number of teams to have. Does the NHL want to eventually expand to 36 teams, with markets like Houston, Atlanta, and Quebec City?

  15. As an observer from the east coast, the league tried to keep the team there, but between bad owners and cities that didn't want the team, the Coyoties were doomed. The Coyoties best years was when the league owned them, go figure.

  16. as a OG Jets fan, it's about time arizona loses that team, Winnipeg lost them for on paper was the lack of strength to the canadian dollar, but mine and most peoples belief is Bettman wanted hockey else where. so to watch the NHL bend ass backwards for the coyotes for a decade or more has been a continual loogie in the eye by the NHL to fans who support their teams. I know the Jets are back in winnipeg, but Bettman ripped the soul out of this city and thats not so easily forgotten.

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