@Carolina Hurricanes

Long Island? More like Short Cay

Shoutout u/CHamsterdam in the PGT for the verbiage

by SokkasBoomerang3


  1. Viddlemethis

    Yea. Kinda funny seeing dive comments on the other hockey subs. I want to laugh at them but I’m afraid of the 1 billion NY residents who will downvote.

  2. ScroatyMcBoogerwolfe

    I hope someone asks Rod why Slavin is diving now. I don’t want to see him go to jail, but it may be the only chance we have of seeing his true power.

  3. p0shbadger

    Islanders I can see, but why were there so many “””neutral””” team flairs bitching yesterday? Even western teams were making shit up about the Canes.

  4. Bennett_19

    “You know if we didn’t get scored on and our penalty kill didn’t suck and we actually had a power play and their goalie didn’t make some crazy saves and we didn’t slash someone in the knees and we got a few bounces to go our way and Connor McDavid was on our team and we didn’t hit the post, we actually could’ve won”

  5. armadachamp

    It’s so weird to call something a dive when it was the exact outcome their guy was trying to get.

    Palmieri’s slash was unquestionably not a hockey play. He knew it was illegal, and he picked a spot to aim for that he knew Slavin wouldn’t have padding. You can’t slash a guy in a tender spot from behind and then be surprised that he reacts to it. Surely, him feeling it was the intended result.

    Similarly, Lee was behind Skjei trying to get to a puck. He could have tried to go wide and outskate Skjei, but he didn’t. He used a free hand on Skjei’s shoulder to try to get leverage to pull him back and got tight enough to Skjei that their legs came into contact with each other. He tried to gain an advantage from behind and ultimately gained it, just more obviously than he was hoping for.

    These are easily avoidable penalties, just like every other penalty in last night’s game. All 5 by both teams were just poor discipline. The difference is you don’t see Canes fans saying that the Islanders D-man should’ve held his face still when Svech’s stick got up above his shoulder.

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