@Nashville Predators

Mark Borowiecki vs Brandon Prust Sep 26, 2016

Mark Borowiecki vs Brandon Prust from the Ottawa Senators at Toronto Maple Leafs game on Sep 26, 2016.


  1. ……and that's why I stopped watching the nhl, we get a scrap and the zebras show their vaginas and break it up… the sport has been neutered.. boring hockey with rats running wild.   Kerby Rychel fight was good, shame it isn't always like that with refs keeping their distance that is.

  2. If this is a preview of whats to come this year in the NHL in regards to fighting it's going to be one hell of a boring league.

  3. I can tell you right now that if you want to stop refs from jumping in a quickly players need to "accidentally" start socking them with a punch when they jump in and get in the way. I can almost guarantee that refs will hesitate more to jump in if it starts happening more often. Even if they are told they need to break them up right away

  4. The refs let Kerby Rychel punch Andreas Englund repeatedly while he still had his gloves on but they break up a fight with actual fighters. Terrible.

  5. Ok so let me get this straight… the refs stood there and let Rychel beat up on some pussy European who didnt even drop his gloves instead of breaking it up, then gave him a match penalty for it when they could have just prevented the situation… yet 2 experienced fighters agree to a fair fight and they jump in for no reason. What even is this

  6. Surprised Toronto signed a useless goon like Prust. Didn't do shit for the Canucks. At least his hab wife will be happy that he's closer to Mnt.

  7. Jesus mother fuckin christ….either ban fightings or let them fight…dont let two guys sit in the box for five minutes and not even get a punch in….And who the fuck started this whole " reduce fightings" rule..we're the ones who pay thousands of dollars to see the games..anybody who complains i guarantee doesnt watch hockey!

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