I put in this order a while back for my first Kachina from a (normally really good) seller I buy from China, before the move was announced. Well, it got here yesterday and the orange on the logo is a bright highlighter color. I don’t want my only Coyotes jersey to look bad and I’ve already replaced it with an authentic order.
Anyway, this jersey is by no means legit and is a not a very good fake. I know it’s nowhere near as cool as a real jersey, but I figured I’d offer it up for free here if someone is happy with how it looks or if they just want something to wear around the house or when playing. If not, I’ll just drop it off at Goodwill.
If you want it, just message me and leave your address and I’ll mail it to you. If you’re in Central Phoenix, happy to drop off if you’re nearby.
by Noolish
What size is it?
If it’s a medium i’ll take it off you and pay for shipping!
I’ll pick it up from you
Im in Phoenix for this next week for school I wouldn’t mind meeting up and taking it off of you willing to pay a bit for it as well for your troubles
Jersey is a 50/Medium!
I’m in Europe and would absolutely love this. Would pay for shipping obv!