@Philadelphia Flyers

2024 Break Up Day: Morgan Frost

Hear from Morgan Frost at 2024 break up day.


  1. Great season Morgan! Cant wait to see you continue to grow into that offensive threat that you truly are! Thank you for the continuing hard effort!! I am excited to see how ready you are to kick a$$ all next season!

  2. He needs to be more consistent, but I thought he made strides in the last two months or so of the season.

  3. Frosty, you looked great with the puck, better defensively as well. Great strides, shoot more, would like to see you on the power play more. Keep lifting 🏋🏻

  4. Love em, love em, love em

    Did i mention i put my trade request in?

    This madman coach i hatem

    "Incoming message from hayes and Gauthier…get the hell outta there asap"

  5. Please trade this guy to a team, a coach, and a fanbase that will appreciate him. 🙏🙏🙏

  6. I wonder if Torts has that same trust issue he had w Hartnell where the tape shows he’s playing well but Torts doesn’t trust him. That said Frosty has the right attitude w Torts and next year is his year to put it all together. Kid needs talent on his level to bring out best playmaking skills when he has that confidence in his wizardry

  7. I want him here next year

    I see him as 2nd line center

    I feel as long as he listens to torts his game will grow

    Torts wouldn’t push him hard if he didn’t like him

  8. I love the positive attitude all you Frost fans have. Honestly, I've been hoping for the past two seasons that he'd break out and hit the potential people are saying he has. But he hasn't. He's been WAY to inconsistent, to start. FEW flashes of top line center. Mostly a middle 6 player, at best, is what he has shown. How much longer does everyone think we need to wait before we realize he's an average to below average offensive center who is average, AT BEST, defensively. I just don't think he fits here… he's an offensive player, and he's not a top or second line center… Coots, Laughts, Poehling… 3 starting centers. Cates could be a center, he did a great job a year ago. You have Foerster who is a big boy and would be a great offensive center, in my opinion. You have Michkov coming in eventually. You have Barkey who will be up soon (102 PT in 64 OHL games this year), Cooper Marody (54 PT for the Phantoms this season), McLaughlin who had 39 PT in 39 games for Notre Dame… There's more talent waiting for a shot and I think Frost has used up his shot. I say put Tyson in at Center, and bring up Marody to fight for a spot. If Laughts gets traded and/or Coots never gets back to his old form… We need some guys to get a shot. Like I said, Frost had his. Foerster, Barkey, Marody all have upside and should get a shot.

  9. Great season Frost! Clearly the most skilled puck handler on the team. Torts has a problem bc you’re skilled. He can only help average players. He doesn’t know how to bring skilled players to their next level. I bet you would excel w a different coach.

  10. I think Frost can easily be the 2C for the future. Sadly I don't think he stands up against many of the 1C players on other teams but with a bit of growth he can certainly cement himself as a 2C in orange!

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