@Toronto Maple Leafs

Swayman the ballerina

I’ve seen too many comments and videos calling out Domi for this hit. That was all Swayman look at that beautiful performance

by Slingy17


  1. yourejustanasshole

    So much Boston diving this series. More embarrassing than our PP %.

  2. ComfortableUpset8787

    lol this was the best angle.
    The other ones didn’t look nearly as obvious that Swayman took a 🏊

  3. He could have sold it better if there wasn’t that weird delay.

  4. I’ve not seen diving like this in years. I’m not in the camp that we lost any games to the refs, but it’s really disappointing to watch boston degrade the sport like this.

  5. That’s actually hilarious. I had no idea he sold it so hard. r/hockey probably wouldn’t like seeing this angle.

  6. They talk about the Bruins culture but that culture seems to be a bunch of diving pussies that should be playing soccer. Keefe called it an art. I call it embarrassing. And the refs REFUSE to adjust. They will NOT call a penalty on Marchand.

  7. Tsukasa009

    LOL these Bruins really have no shame when it comes to flopping

  8. vitullo_31

    this is editied right? cuz otherwise.. are you fucking kidding me?

  9. PotentialUmpire3771

    Boston does whatever it takes to win. That includes embarrassing themselves and acting like Swayman did here. I didn’t even realize how much of a dive this was lol. He’s a great goalie but that was not his best moment

  10. toasterbath__

    he makes it so easy to dislike him. this whole team is just so annoying 💀

  11. Reggae4Triceratops

    Imagine he hurt himself doing this shit

  12. windsostrange

    What’s embarrassing is how many legitimate, typically observant and high-quality commentators were discussing this “TV timeout” moment as if Domi had actually perpetrated something so dirty that it might actually sway the momentum of the series. Like, seriously, even Friedge and Marek.

    _Watch the video above_. Ffs.

  13. Awkward_Bag_1205

    Diving works for them, clearly.

    We can say it’s embarrassing, but so is doing the same old thing in the playoffs every year and expecting a different outcome.

  14. reevthetree

    What a performance. If you have more of this clip, he eventually chats with the linesman and I’m 99% sure he’s smiling under his mask after. Probably because the linesman called him out lol

  15. NationalTap9622

    It all comes from their captain, the Diver-in-Chief.

  16. Definitely Marchand in goalie gear. Edmunson’s reaction :WTF? What a clown.

  17. Tryouts for the American men’s diving team have begun I see…swayman and Marchand leading the charge! 🏊‍♂️ 🏊‍♀️ 🏊

  18. Anxious-Internal-222

    Lots of soccer players in bruins jerseys

  19. CMDRShepardN7

    He was about to take his next stride before he realized he almost forgot to fall.

  20. dandychiggons

    This is the real reason why there wasn’t a big deal made about the incident

  21. I grew up playing and watching soccer. But I hate how many players dive and embelish nowadays that it is just part of the sport and you rarely get punished now. Boston disgusts me because they have no integrity, I get they want to win. But at what cost? Ruining and embarassing the sport. This is the stuff that gives soccer an awful reputation.

  22. This dude went twirling sliding crawling and rubbing up all over the ice. Is he ok??

  23. This is the scene in the beginning of the 90’s Mortal Kombat movie where the stuntman misses his cue and Johnny says ‘this is the part where you fall down,’ at which point the stuntman sends himself flying as if he’d just taken a massive kick to the face.

    Honestly, this right here should be a three game suspension for ‘Blatant Bullshit,’ excuse me, ’embellishing.’

  24. Ballerinas have excellent balance, poise, and spot their turns… unlike this guy.

  25. VicVinegar88

    The ESPN broadcast showed the replay right after it happened and they didn’t make that big a deal of it. I think Ferraro even said it was embellished.

  26. MusicianSuccessful34

    This league is getting embarassing.

  27. tayloreddesign

    This should be up on screens during the game every period. Call it the Diving Competition. Have real Olympic divers then splice in these clowns.

  28. tecate_papi

    This casts a new light on the tears Kelly Hrudey shed during the intermission for the passing of “The Game” and how Domi killed it.

  29. Gavin1453

    I think we ought to do a Gudas-style face scream to Swayman when Boston loses

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