@National Hockey League

All leaf fans captured in one shot

All leaf fans captured in one shot

by JohnnyIIISticks


  1. HockeySweata

    To be fair, the ones who aren’t crying are booing

  2. malcontented

    Maybe next 😂 wait… maybe next 😆 😛 sorry, wait…maybe next ye.. 😂 😛

    Sorry, I just cant.

  3. MadManDan23

    The tears of unfathomable sadness! Yummy yummy!

  4. FU_payme420

    The round 1 watch party always cracks me up. Do they just prefer to be disappointed outside in large groups rather than alone and at home?

  5. unitednihilists

    Literally the only time I go on twitter is the 10 minutes after the Leafs lose in the playoffs. #tmltalk is a flutter with insanity.

  6. You mean the guy with the Groucho Marx glasses on, right?

  7. NatureIndoors

    That’s alright, there’s always next year and next year and next year and next year…

  8. shindleria

    Maybe he caught a whiff of Auston Matthews’s diarrhea

  9. CousinEddie144

    Wait Matthews sat in the crowd for the 3rd period? That’s him right?

  10. Big-Percentage-2906

    Leaf fans falling into anarchy every year like clockwork is one of my favorite parts of this sport

  11. Sad_Pirate_4546

    At least Dallas came to play tonight.

    Praying they can beat Matt Stone and his wonderspleen tonight.

  12. SaccharineDaydreams

    Bold of you to assume some of us aren’t just numb at this point

  13. eyeeatmyownshit

    Id love to see them run the same lineup out there next season lol

  14. I hate to say this, but half of what Marchand brings every night would blow away this pile of shit I root for.

    It’s fucking embarrassing for me, how are the players not more embarrassed?

    Also…Chief Queef has got to go.

  15. We got rid of one problem and Pittsburg to thank for that. Just need to keep cleaning out the old regime.

  16. DrewLockIsTheAnswer1

    It’s wild how leafs fans still wonder why they are so hated. They get 90% of the media coverage in Canada, Matthew’s is argued as some sort of GOAT, and they swear this year will be different.

    Genuinely shut the fuck up. Your team sucks.

  17. Aromatic_Ring4107

    Leafs fan….maybe…actual reaction is Nelson Muntz “Haha” from the simpsons

  18. The Leafs are the NHL’s Dallas Cowboys, maybe we need Steven A. to post some videos after Leafs games to make them feel better. Most likely they’ll get the series to 7 games and then implode as always.

  19. LionBig1760

    Did that Leafs fan with the stickers on the Bruins jersey remove those stickers yet?

  20. Started-ButNotReady

    Maybe,,,, move the Leafs to Phoenix for the next two seasons?! At least they wouldn’t have to meet Boston again in round one!

  21. TiredReader87

    To think I even considered spending $900 to attend this game…

  22. therealchrisredfield

    Isles fan here…actually feel bad for leafs fans…again, saying this as an isles fan

  23. HaddyMusic

    Lol that’s not what the playoff towel is for

  24. lostcanadian420

    Maybe next year we can open the telecast by not reminding everyone we haven’t beaten the bruins in the playoffs since before our fathers were born

  25. cuntstopholus

    Still amazes me that not many people in Leafs land have figured out that if you spend a shit ton of your cap on the so called “core 4”, then the supporting cast of 19 other players won’t be good enough to land you the Stanley Cup.

  26. Minute_Pea5021

    And they will still be dicks and support Boston instead of the remaining Canadian teams !! It’s what they do and no wonder Karma keeps them down 🤷🏻‍♂️

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