@Winnipeg Jets

Reaction: Winnipeg Jets dominated in Game 4 by Colorado Avalanche 5-1

Michael Remis is joined by Connor Hrabchak for a recap of the Winnipeg Jets 5-1 loss in Game 4 over the Colorado Avalanche in their 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs first round series.

Intro, pregame notes (0:00)
First Period (5:00)
Second Period (9:47)
Third Period (19:17)
Final thoughts (22:41)

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  1. Agree with the 'team collapsing', at various points. But, you have to admit, unless this is the first NHL playoff games you have ever seen, the refs can suck the will to win out of you. And they are doing it to the Jets. Sure, when there is 6 minutes to go in the third, and a team is down by 3 or so goals, well 'lets give them a few calls and see if they can come back'. Yeah, sure, against the Avs? who are they trying to fool? I have lived through and coached through many playoff games, from hockey, to ringette and even high school volleyball where the refs decided who was going to win, sometimes even before the games started.
    No doubt, the Avs. are the better team in this series, but holy s….., let the two teams decide who wins.
    Good luck to the other Canadian teams, they surely will need it. Go Jets, Oilers, Canucks, and yes even Toronto.

  2. You guys complain about the refs non stop but are OK about an offside goal being called a good goal. If that was an Avs goal you'd be losing your minds lol. The offside reviews are ridiculous but you can't have your cake and eat it too… It's OK the Jets got away with it. It happens.

  3. The fact that the Jets finished the season with 110 points and have to play a team like the Avs in the first round shows why we need a 1v8 or 1v16 playoff format. 😂😬

  4. Some of this does fall on bones for sure. We can all question his lineup decisions(Stan and Ajf in over miller and fetts). But his system was good enough for 52 wins, a Jennings trophy, and 8 wins in a row to close out the season!! They have not played the system in any shape or form. When push comes to shove this core has repeatedly shown they cannot get it done! Full stop end of story. 27 has been totally invisible. 81, 13, 23, and Toffoli are not doing what they are paid to do. Where’s the fight and the depth. This team has told us the fans that they are deep and they are different than last year but it seems they have duped us all again. Worse than that they appear to be lying 🤥 to themselves and consider their effort to be good enough. If they bow out in this fashion again it really begs the question of where do they go from here? Major changes would be needed but true north seems loathe to move of this core of softies!

  5. Jets stars are not playing like stars, Avs stars are and even their 3rd and 4th liners are playing over their heads right now. Getting out goalied too (I don't understand why everyone thinks Helle is God, he is not playoff material as he is getting beaten by Georgiev). Lets be real, the Jets stink right now and will not win 3 straight, let alone 1. Given that I hope the Avs finish them off at the funeral on Tuesday and get rested up so they can beat the crap out of Vegas – now that would be justice .

  6. Ava are just much better. We have NO real game breakers. We're a good team. Not a Stanley Cup Team.

  7. There was a stretch in the first period where the Jets were outshot 13-1. When Makar scored his goal, the shot advantage was 27-13. It's easy to rag on Hellebuyck, but where is the rest of the team? Where's the defense? Where's the offense from the star players. The top line is not performing like a top line. The second line is non-existent. The Jets' players just seem to shrink in the moment. This is not the regular season. Depth is great in the regulat season, but in the playoffs, you need your best players to carry you, and it's not happening and they don't seem to know what to do to fix it. The Avs are playing their game, while the Jets are not even trying to play their own game.

    If anything, this highlights what I've been saying since last season. The blue line is not good enough. It's simply Morrissey and 5 other guys. Pionk is a trainwreck. Schmidt can't handle the puck. Stanley is slow and takes too many penalties.

  8. I picked the Avs to win the cup back in preseason. They're just built for a deep playoff run. Big, fast, skilled, hungry, and tough mentally. The Jets are getting outplayed on every level, including at their own game, which this season was playing team defense. It is quite disheartening, though, as a fan to go into playoffs feeling pretty decent based on our success this season and then it just… collapses so depressingly. At times in game 4 I thought I was watching the lackluster lineup of the 2012 Jets with all the turnovers, terrible neutral zone play, and the penalties.. please make it stop..

  9. Crazy thought, but why not go back to what worked in game 1. Step up on players, forecheck hard, play loose and score.. trying to be defensive didn’t work and I’d rather watch a series of game 1’s than this garbage entertainment, I turned it off after 5 minutes

  10. We are very lucky to have the organization we do in the Avalanche and Nuggets. Both are threats to win championships again. Well built teams. Now if we could get a baseball team!

  11. Pathetic team. Never learned a lesson from the past game. I am done with this team if they are eliminated in the first round. Put this team in AHL playoffs and they will lose!

  12. Avs fan here ….first time I watched your show …..impression is that it’s refreshing that you guys are objective in your analysis …..

    Sometimes I can’t watch Avs local guy cause he’s what you call a poor winner and loser if that makes any sense …instead of being objective. Keep up honest analysis guys thanks

  13. Avs fan – very fair and balanced assessment of the game. I expected better team D from the Jets and am surprised at the collapse. That’s said, I don’t think the series is over and I expect a better performance by the Jets in front of the white out Tuesday. Prayers for Vladdy- always liked him when he was in CO (part of the Matt Duchene trade) and glad to see him fitting in well for you.

  14. Everyone cusses the refs man. If hockey fans aren’t cussing the refs it would feel weird. 😂

  15. Reviews were literally introduced because it was shown that the refs cant do their job properly. C360 live already supplies the NHL with their net cams. And it happens that C360 live IS THE SAME COMPANY THAT SUPPLIES THE NFL WITH THEIR 4K 120FPS PYLON CAMS. The tech is there the NHL and their broadcasters just dont give a shit about looking poverty

  16. What’s your take on how the Jets dominated the Avs in during the season? It’s not over yet I know, but the jets D seems struggling, eye test seems jets not much in offensive zone…

    Noticed the Avs 2nd, 3rd, 4th line has stepped it up ….simple as that? Is Helybuck struggling? haven’t watched him before this serie?

  17. Your team is just on the wrong side of the AVS finding and whole other gear in the Playoffs. Even Avs fans are shocked at how they are playing because watching the last 3 weeks of the season they didn't look like this at all.

  18. The Avs (with depth this year) look like the 2022 cup winning team. They are relentless. Combine that with some elite talent they should go far on these playoffs.

  19. Avs fan here, I'm still kind of nervous. We stunk on the road all year and if the series goes the distance 2 of the next 3 games are on the road.

  20. Avs fan here,& totally fair analysis by you 2.And extremely intelligent commentary-I applaud you both-but especially Connor did a phenomenal job of hitting the nail on the head.

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