@St. Louis Blues

NHL Fight: Tom Wilson vs Robert Bortuzzo 01/03/2019 | Sundqvist Hit Payback


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  1. People can say what they want about Willy, but any team would kill to have him on there team.

    If you don’t believe me, try and find me one other player in the league like tommy. He can score, he has a physical presence, leads in the locker room, he brings an aspect to the game we haven’t seen since the early 90’s

  2. It was a good tilt, I give the decision to Bortuzzo. Sunquvst should've taken care of business himself instead of letting Bortuzzo fight his battles for him. If Wilson did that to me in a game. I'd take payback on my own

  3. This is why trading Reaves was a bad move. Bortuzzo did a good job, but Reavo would have taken care of business the moment the hit happened.

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