@Arizona Coyotes

Go soak yourselves

Go soak yourselves

by EpsteinDidNotKH


  1. No one ever accused redditors of being able to read the room.

  2. braywarshawsky

    Tone deaf… the whole lot of ’em.

    “I feel bad you lost your thing, but while I’m here… can you tell me some tips, tricks, etc.”

    It’s like the dude who is banging your ex asking for tips on stuff she likes to do in bed…

  3. wetteetsforlife

    Literally every time I see one of these posts


  4. PoisonedRadio

    I love the ones who call themselves Coyotes fans. No you’re not. You never were and you never will be. You’re a Utah fan.

    Like it or not losing this team is a part of being a coyotes fan. You can’t start calling yourself that if you don’t have that scar on you.

  5. captain_catman_

    We should collectively report every Utah fan that posts here

  6. BrokenParachutes

    Honestly just ban all “xxx fan coming in peace” posts. They all just come across as condescending, I know most people don’t mean it that way but it still has that feeling.

  7. Woodland_Creature-

    This is such a Utah thing to do, I know so many people from the state and although theyre always pleasant at face value they are also tone deaf and subconsciously like to rub their successes in your face without even realising. Growing up in the LDS Church is basically a massive dick measuring contest, and I think the rubbing it in the face of those less fortunate is a default thing they do without even thinking

  8. SuddenStress9588

    They can all go have a circle jerk with Ryan Smith in their non legit Delta Center

  9. sillysquidtv

    Not sure which sub will actually be the one that sticks, but the r/utah_hockey one is kinda cringe.

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