@Colorado Avalanche


It’s 2024 we can’t put a camera on both sides of the blue line?

by Wonderful-Patient732


  1. Burdwatcher

    oh well, in real time the linesmen couldn’t tell and it took multiple reply angles to prove it, so it’s not like it was egregious

  2. The_Shredder_1988

    To be fair, in this picture the puck is also across the line lol.

    I’m more upset that that shit goes in than this call

  3. Kommatiazo

    This is probably the most 50/50 offside call I’ve ever seen. Lose-lose for the refs. You can’t really see where the puck is on the critical frame and the one before it’s offside and the next it’s onside. So you can assume where it is in between but has to be conclusive. Jets fans would be raging with just as much justification if they overturned it imo

    oh well. great kill afterwards. onward and upward.

  4. roofilopolis

    I’m shocked at the lack of technology to get a frame as he’s passed the line. You can clearly see he’s off if he’s more than the entire stick we can see, past the blue line

    It’s like watch a fucking gas station CCTV.

  5. As an avs fan, you can’t even see the puck in this photo. Lol

  6. Ya_Got_GOT

    There’s no reason for human beings to call offsides at all. Easily solved precisely every single time with tech.

  7. Hi_Flyers

    I do think it was offside but the main issue is that in the last frame where he’s on-side he’s got a tiny bit of his skate keeping him on-side while the puck is completely outside the line and then the next frame the puck is just barely in while his skate is a foot past the line. So you can tell he definitely got in just barely offsides but there’s no single frame where the puck is out and he’s in to prove it. Either way, this is the kind of ticky-tack offsides BS that I hate the challenge rule gets used for, so whatever.

  8. Vivid_Walk_1405

    How does the nhl have such dog shit cameras

  9. For_Perpetuity

    How the fuck in 2024 do they not have a way to see the blueline from all angles.

  10. Mackinnon29E

    You can buy a better camera for under $5 on fucking Temu or some shit. What the fuck, NHL……..

  11. adjective____noun

    why does your screenshot look so fuzzy?

    if you watch frame by frame, the puck is that little black dot on the heel of the blade, still on the blue line.

    (that being said, suuuuuuper ticky tack offsides calls suck and I’m fine with it standing, so long as we don’t get fucked the opposite way sometime later)

  12. Or, i don’t know, a camera in the rafters 🤷‍♂️

  13. Higherspeed76

    The offside challenge rule needs to be changed. It should be only full speed replay reviews, no slow motion replay. This way egregious offsides could be corrected but these stupid frame by frame offsides that don’t actually impact the scoring play can go away.

  14. manbeqrpig

    Do you see a puck? I don’t so ya it’s inconclusive

  15. endless_8888

    Regular season the goal would have been pulled. I promise.

    Regular season MacKinnon wouldn’t have got that interference call either. Just playoff stuff, and weird to see at home.

    Oh well.

  16. EducationalPlay6269

    You’d think they’d be able to afford some camera with the money they make from their betting partnerships

  17. Bing-bong-pong-dong

    The puck was on the front of his blade so I think it’s closer than most think. Wish they had more angles to stitch together though, it’s kind of embarrassing when you have to just guess on one of these.

  18. 2ChainzTalib

    I’m okay with it as they didn’t have a definitive look at the puck. I look at it as if I’d be raging if they took it away from my team I need to be okay with them leaving it with the other team.

    I’m more upset that a doorbell camera has greater resolution than whatever they’re using, but honestly if we need a million frames per second to catch it, it’s probably not making that much of a difference.

  19. psychotar

    It’s easy for me to say now when I’m finally seeing this after the game is over, but this is the exact Zapruder film bullshit I don’t agree with in the first place. Stopping play to frame-by-frame this thing ruins the spirit of the game IMO.

  20. Here’s the thing, they called it a goal on the ice. There needs to be absolute clear and concise evidence the other way in order to overturn that call. To me, I can’t even see where the puck is on the other side of the ice. Yes, you can clearly see the skater over the blue line but that’s about it.

    Personally, I think it’s a stupid fucking rule and a lame play to challenge, regardless if we would’ve benefitted from it. How does a player an inch or 2 offsides have any bearing on this play? Most of the time it’s a zone entry and a team scores 10-20 seconds later. It’s just stupid. Thanks Dutchy.

  21. Absolutely horse shit call. Why even have replay if you can’t get something like this right?

  22. Ordinary_Aioli_7602

    Lmao I was listening on the radio, didn’t get a visual til now. Shoulda been a shutout.

  23. golieman99

    Don’t they already make the distinction of the call on the ice stands or is upheld? If it stands because they can prove offsides/goalie interference then there should be no penalty. If the call is upheld because there was obviously no offsides then it should be a penalty.

  24. lightsout5477

    Hockey gods made their judgement. Avs won.

  25. Front_Economy_7766

    The play was almost certainly offsides, but somehow in 2024 we can still have missing camera angles, you can’t actually see the puck

  26. Avs play a man down because the NHL didn’t invest in a 2nd camera lol

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