@Washington Capitals

[Silber] Ovechkin says Tom Wilson is likely the next captain & he’s going to Dubai

First: That record might as well be broken right now. He’ll ride that camel and score 50 next season. Gretzky he’s coming for you.

Second: Wilson as of right now, makes total sense. Carlson would be around 37 and Wilson’s contract extension would’ve already started.

by Tufoguy


  1. SiccSemperTyrannis

    Yeah as soon as Wilson signed that extension (and the Caps offered it) I assumed it was setting Wilson up to be the Captain during the post-Ovchkin multiyear rebuild.

    By the time the Caps are ready to seriously compete again Wilson is towards the end of that deal and ready to hand the torch off to the next generation, perhaps a guy like Leonard.

  2. rideronthestorm29

    Yes give the biggest meathead in the league the C that’s how we’ll get better!

  3. anon97205

    Wilson shouldn’t be an alternate, let alone captain.

  4. OvechknFiresHeScores

    Guess I’m one of the few Caps fans who is not happy about that.

  5. suburban_paradise

    Wilson was low key our best player in that Rangers series.

  6. StevenGlanzberg

    I love having Tom Wilson on our team but that contract is very bad, paying a premium for his prior years, not what’s to come. I hope it doesn’t get me to eventually resent him

  7. nampoxedef

    I’m a big fan of Wilson and think this would be a good move, but he’s gotta be smarter and pick his battles if he’s going to be captain. Too many dumb penalties/decisions at crucial times.

  8. socially_awkward


  9. igot2pair

    As much as I like Wilson, great leaders also lead by example. Wilson hasnt really learned from his boneheaded plays. Not captain material imo. Not many players are

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