@New Jersey Devils


Honestly really surprised by the quality on this dhgate jersey

by lordlaoifeiolao


  1. LionHeart_1990

    Ah yes, the fake jersey post of the day….

    Can’t wait for the other 245 posts this year!

  2. MidnightMarauders98

    How is the quality compared to the authentic ones?

  3. ice-wallow-come1

    This jersey is amazing I have the same one, only thing that sucks is the lines on the shoulders aren’t right. Wish they fixed that

  4. azrael5298

    It’s not bad, it’s just crazy that they are still putting the button on the bottom. Adidas did that in 2017-18 only right?

  5. PaversPaving

    Mine was awesome!!! The tag was so funny bc it was so clearly fake lol.

  6. HopelessEsq

    Fake, authentic, doesn’t really matter I still really can’t stand this Looney Tunes font zebra stripe jersey design. Not bringing it back might be the only half decent thing fanatics does.

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