@Pittsburgh Penguins

Power Struggle Forming Between Penguins Leaders

On this episode, the Nick’s discuss the reported “power struggle” building between Pittsburgh Penguins President of Hockey Ops Kyle Dubas and head coach Mike Sullivan and what it could mean (1:16). They also discuss the Penguins severe lack of organizational defensive depth and why it could lead to more veteran players on the back end (13:35).

Nick & Nick close out the episode talking about a handful of veteran Penguins forwards in need of a new contract and whether the Penguins should bring them back for the 2024-25 season (23:20). Tune In!

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  1. I don’t buy this stuff about a power struggle. Kypreos and Seravalli aren’t exactly known for being reliable sources. I’d imagine Dubas und Sully might disagree on a few personnel decisions but to call that a power struggle seems a bit harsh

  2. I really like St. Ivany. Just seems solid, steady and plays within himself. Should get better with more time/ games?

  3. If sullivan actually had won a playoff series since 2018, then he should have a voice. but FSG just signed dubas to a 7 year deal. why would dubas sign if he has to yield to the head coach? there is no reason to run the existing coaching staff back. 2 years with a 1st round loss then 2 years without playoffs? in particular, the PP has declined for 3 consecutive years. i am not saying sullivan is a bad coach, he is a good coach. but everyone's message gets stale. ruff, laviolette, bowman, trotz, maurice, torts, etc have all changed jobs. Its just time. would be interesting to see if he also has a problem with fitzgerald when he gets to jersey.

  4. If sullivan actually had won a playoff series since 2018, then he should have a voice. but FSG just signed dubas to a 7 year deal. why would dubas sign if he has to yield to the head coach? there is no reason to run the existing coaching staff back. 2 years with a 1st round loss then 2 years without playoffs? in particular, the PP has declined for 3 consecutive years. i am not saying sullivan is a bad coach, he is a good coach. but everyone's message gets stale. ruff, laviolette, bowman, trotz, maurice, torts, etc have all changed jobs. Its just time. would be interesting to see if he also has a problem with fitzgerald when he gets to jersey.

  5. If sullivan actually had won a playoff series since 2018, then he should have a voice. but FSG just signed dubas to a 7 year deal. why would dubas sign if he has to yield to the head coach? there is no reason to run the existing coaching staff back. 2 years with a 1st round loss then 2 years without playoffs? in particular, the PP has declined for 3 consecutive years. i am not saying sullivan is a bad coach, he is a good coach. but everyone's message gets stale. ruff, laviolette, bowman, trotz, maurice, torts, etc have all changed jobs. Its just time.

  6. Although I think the report about the power struggle might be a little overblown, I could see there being a little bit of it because FSG went over Hextall's head to give Sully the 3 year extension. Also Sully was involved in initial stages of say in the Pens prospect system. Sully clearly has a lot of influence within the organization. I don't think its necessarily appropriate because Dubas is the one who's the President of Hockey Ops and GM, so it's his right to build the organization in the image he believes fit and Sully just has to deal with it, especially considering the results of the last couple of years.

  7. Out of the 4 plugs I think it’s between Hinostroza and Bemstrom. Kinda like Horwat and Nick mentioned.

    Hinostroza is fast and can hang with the big dogs. He couldn’t finish last year and had took some penalties but the eye test said he just wasn’t quite adjusted to the team. He’s also good at drawing penalties with his effort

    Bemstrom showed he can score more than the rest, might be good in shootouts but is a question mark the rest of the way. Saw him throw a few nice hits. Maybe he can get a lot better in training camp and running elbows with Hall of Famers might push him.

    work with Bemstrom and then scratch him for Hinostroza for a few games if needed.

  8. Sully is lucky he’s not the one looking for a job this summer. If I were him I’d be happy with whatever Dubas suggests

  9. There is an option you are completely missing about this story and that is the NHL media … especially out of Toronto … likes to make stuff up, especially as it pertains to Dubas who might just be the most disliked person in Toronto. So likely this is a lot of falling for click bait.

  10. 41 why are yo talking???? you shold just write…your stuggle to figure out what words you want struggle to form thouths quickly and then yor excessive need to make facial gestures is painfull to watch or follow…talking isnt your strong suit and ill be back once your gone

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