@Boston Bruins

Brad Marchand pushes linesman – Have your say!

Brad Marchand pushes linesman – Have your say!

Brad Marchand was tangled up with Tyler Bertuzzi of course, this time near the benches. The linesman came to pull them apart and then went back to watching the game, while standing in front of the bench door. So Marchand shoved him out of the way. Necessary? Have your say!


  1. This is what you get when refs don't do their jobs right because the NHL doesn't want the game to have too many interruptions during the playoffs. Here you have a player checking another player with no puck in sight which is already a penalty by definition. Then the linesman can't call penalties so he tries to separate them to cover the ref who didn't make the call.

  2. I'm not a fan of how much leeway there is in hockey to abuse of officials. I think this should be an automatic game misconduct.

  3. That was the linesman in his way he needed to get on the bench so a too many men wouldnt get called by the referee

  4. This has to be a game misconduct for physical abuse of officialls. One could consider it mitigating that the linesman is standing in front of the bench door, but there is no way that's a defense. I consider this intentional contact without intent to injure, which carries an automatic suspension of at least 10 games. Maybe one can argue that it should be less than the 10 games, but he still needs to be punished.

  5. Abuse of an official. Automatic suspension. But…it’s Boston so of course no call. Imagine if Domi did that.

  6. Marchand's career is fake. He gets a whole different rule book. It's not the NHL rule book. It's something else that's maybe half as long.

  7. a few of the ladies in this comment section seem to be the type when the elevator door opens, just stand there right in front of the door, and do nothing. get out the f**king way

  8. i love hockey for the normality of the physical element like the linesman doesnt react really cause brad needs to get off to get another man on or its too many men
    they just move on
    any other sport u push a ref ur suspended

  9. As an official this is aggressive but fine, I tell guys to tell me to f off if I'm in their way when they're trying to change

  10. Could have easily been a penalty but I think they let it go since it was for the door and not just because someone was upset, he also doesn't shove him too hard so that probably helped a bit too. May still be fined by the league after the fact though.

  11. I don't think the linesman realized he was standing in front of the door, so Brad took the opportunity to be a dick. Getting suspended in the playoffs would be the most Marchand thing that Marchand could do.

  12. Is this all during play?? No excuse for marchand, but what the fuck is an official doing getting hands on a player during play?

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