@Carolina Hurricanes

Max Pacioretty hit on Mark Eaton

(2010-12-26) Max Pacioretty from the montreal canadiens hit Eaton from behind.


  1. singke dumbest hockey post ever? — " 6 congrats on winning a cup that was given to you on the silver platter. have fun with the asterix by your cup victory…nobody actually takes your cup seriously. bruins won't even make the playoffs next year when colin campbell isn't changing rules on the fly to facilitate your shit organization."

  2. i didnt hear one habs fan calling for gill being suspended for running a player into the stantion. then when chharra does it they call it attempted murder. do these people think.we are idiots? i feel bad for habs fans. it must be brutal to root for a bunch of cheapshotting divers. but then again, they are a bunch of whining children

  3. @bdamon8

    té ben sandessein lol , y a aucun astérix sur la coupe des Bruins pis ils l'ont mérité, Thomas a tout arrêter, pendant que Price a céder sous la pression encore… Les Bruins mérites leur coupe, et on appelle ca le Karma , de toute la marde que les fafans leur vomissent dessus, on a vu hier,. que Max est un joueur salaud aussi.. comme les 700 autre de la NHL, c est un sport tellement rapide,

  4. @wheelinjeep17 My country? I'm actually from South Africa, and I love in Canada. But I'll tell you what. you give me a choice between the country with lotsa big Jeeps and a whole bunch of ignorant fucks, and the one with a someone stable economy and a middle class, and Ill take cold, irrelevant ol' Canada every time.

    Enjoy your shitty life, assfuck.

  5. @OfficialWHUGA Not really… I live in America and most of us uses the word queer or gay when calling someone a homosexual. Fag isn't really considered in the American Dictionary. Again, it means cigarette. Get your facts straight, but get off here with this. It's not about this. So stay on topic.

  6. Im not trying to say its a legal hit, but its not really a dirty hit. player must protect themself, and at 1:03 you can see the guy looking behind him, he probably see Pacioretty coming at full speed, but he still decided to faint going behing the net, then turn his back. Max did what he had to do, hit the player, but im pretty sure he never wanted to hit him in the back. Oiler player should pass behind the net and accept the legal hit, but he decided to turn his back. very dangerous!

  7. lol your fucking illiterate he dident almost kill the kid nor did he do it for revenge think and use your head

  8. What about the idiot who goes at a puck in the corner and does not look around…? As someone is always hitting you when chased into the boards or corner! What idiot goes face first into the corner without looking around? someone who is not smart. Bad hit for sure but really stupid play from Eaton. does not even know who is around him? Stupid for a hockey player! I say bad on both of them. Icing has also changed so this will not happen again like this. Eaton has to take some… responsibility for putting himself in this position in the first place…

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