@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers Advance to Second Round

The Edmonton Oilers made quick work of the Los Angeles Kings, defeating them in five games. NHL Tonight discusses this series and their next step.

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  1. Say what you want about the reffing but Fiala made his bed by flopping constantly earning him that reputation that he probably doesn’t get if he played the right way.

  2. Daneyko would have been LIVID at Fiala if he was still playing. You don’t fall like you’ve tripped on a fishing line booby trap when you get slashed on the stick…..

    PLD elbowed Leon in the face and pushed his leg out from behind at the same time….

  3. Refs did an awesome job!!! Let that be a lesson to Fiala and others who like to try and fool the refs in the future, Fiala is a labelled man now for taking dives, calls in his favour will be harder to get do to his embellishment acts in the past.

  4. Edmonton will fall to Colorado in the Western final. Then it's the epic fight of the century… Colorado v Florida in the final 😎

  5. umm your stats were incorrect. If EDM scores 9/20 on the Power Play, how does that equate to 80% PK for the Kings? The PK would be 55%

  6. It's like the kings captain said you can't blame the refs for falling 4 games to 1 refs have a tough job and stress to deal with

  7. Reffs buried LA….gave the Oilers a complete Hall Pass….nobody enjoyed watching that….made the Officials look quite silly proved the Oilers are PP Merchants. The Oilers just failed to invest in Goaltending and went with Skinner who is a serious question mark even now.

  8. PLD slew foots Draisaitl and you don’t think that should be a penalty? Wtf are these people high on? And why aren’t they sharing with the rest of us?

  9. Fiala absolutely goes down on purpose there lmao, he’s trying to get an extra penalty called and he’s done it before, the stick touched the top of his skate and suddenly both legs go out from under him? Have fun golfing Kings

  10. FIALA deserved the embellishment call! C’mon! Stop blaming the referee! Analysts shouldn’t sound like fanboys.

  11. Daneyko is incorrect on that call, refs shouldn't be MANAGING the game they should call the rule book. It's …., wait for it …. THEIR JOB. 8)
    Fiala embellished, has a history of doing it, easy call.

  12. such a bias reporter man never have the refs favours a Canadian team in the playoffs either watch some more hockey or get a different job

  13. German engineering 😂. Sometimes when he scores I'll shout in a german accent "Ze German eagle flys again!!!".

  14. How about the hold on Kempe from a stick less Ryan with 30 seconds left allowing Leon to grab the puck first.

  15. No big deal kings werent even a good team at all they sucked all season aside from a lucky winning streak at the beginning of the season when everyone sucked otherwise they wouldnt be in playoffs betting kings keep everything pretty much the same and miss playoffs next season this is what happens when presidents hire their friends as gm

  16. The best part of the Fiala Dive is that he had a clear path forward and a chance for a shot but decided to dive anyway; contemptable move and he got what he deserved.

  17. "Draisaitl is special" is an understatement, he's a BEAST of a unicorn player(he's THEE 🦄 of the entire NHL), his ability to take his skills to the next level is outstanding! Fav player😊

  18. A few things.
    1) In the previous two series/years, Oilers have been injured by dirty plays by the Kings. My guess is that Oilers management brought those videos to the preseries meetings and asked for the league to be aware of the attempts to injure. Since Draisaitl was injured by Mikey Anderson on a similar uncalled slew foot, they were likely looking for it.
    2) On the aforementioned slewfoot, it is a five-minute major and a game misconduct. If you chose not to call that it could also have been a five-minute elbowing major or a butt-end major. Kings got off lucky on a minor penalty.
    3) On the embellishment penalty (which I also initially rolled my eyes at, BTW) on watching the replays, there was no initial penalty -without the dive, there is no initial call. I think the officials were tired of giving Kings the advantage for the dives and , from a Kings standpoint, picked an unfortunate time to start calling them. To be fair however, he could get two or three of those a game and was lucky they called a penalty on the Oilers to even it up.
    4) Lastly, to be fair, we Canadian fans are so exhausted from the unwillingness of the NHL to fairly officiate games when teams like the Kings or Bruins are involved, where they commit so many fouls that calling the games with roughly even penalties is giving the dirty teams advantages game in and game out, that we all shared a smile that the Kings players, management and fans FINALLY got to see what every game should look like. Your announcers here are showing that you are so used to the double standard of not getting called for even the most dangerous plays that you are confused about the actual rules.

  19. 0:57 It's Fiala, man. That alone, is one thing.

    Secondly, that is comically bad embellishment. His leg was tapped, and he went down like a sack of potatoes. Check your bias at the door.

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