@New York Rangers

Lafreniere hit on Iorio – Have your say!

Alex Lafreniere knocked Vincent Iorio awkwardly into the boards, creating a turnover for a goal. Iorio left the game with an injury. Should this have been a penalty? Have your say!


  1. absolutely should've been. whether it was shoulder on shoulder or not, Iorio was angled towards the boards and was defenseless. if it was 3 feet further away then it would've been fine, but Lafreniere clearly pushed him with enough force to slam into the boards

    pretty textbook boarding if you ask me

  2. I thought it should have been a boarding penalty when I first saw the hit live. When I watched it in slow motion you can clearly see that contact was made to Iorio left upper shoulder blade. That is not a shoulder to shoulder hit. It should have been a 5 minute major. BTW guys it doesn't have to be a hit from behind to qualify as boarding. Because of where they were in regards to the boards this is boarding whether or not it was a hit from behind. So the Rangers scored a goal and avoided a 5 minute major definite turning point to this game

  3. Rough call tbh. Shoulder to shoulder
    , no intent to injure, hard battle just a foot or two too far from the boards. Could go either way.

  4. Nowhere near boarding, sucks the other player got injured and i hope he recovers but no where near boarding. You can say shoulder on shoulder still can be boarding all you want, the kid turned and put himself in a bad position at the last second, we might as well remove hitting from the game with how much wining everyone does when hits occur in any game not just this one. Im pretty sure if it was remotely close to boarding it would have been called like the ridiculous charging penalty. I get it though, i guess to use the term caps fans used after the ppanarin situation "rent free". Clean hit even if it was the other way around where a caps player did that to a ranger exactly like happened in the video.

    I wonder if its okay the holding on laf after the hit and then cheapshot slashing him after being held after the goal. Those were more worthy of a penalty than a soft nonboarding being called boarding by crybabies who cant handle hockey being a physical sport. that said i hope the player that was injured has a quick recovery and hopefully not something major, hate to see anyone get injured

  5. This is not even debatable just a run of the mill body check to a young player who put himself in a really bad vulnerable position which is the perfect time to hit them cuz they will most likely get separated from the puck like he was the fact people are crying about this hit is pretty insane

  6. As a Rangers fan, I did think it should have been 2 for boarding live. On the replay, especially the angle from behind the goal, it really doesn't look like boarding to me – looks like Iorio was weak on the puck and weak on his skates to go down that way. It kinda looked like the hit made him stumble initially, and THEN he fell into the boards almost on his own, which in my mind makes it more of a 50-50 call. Considering that the charging call against Rempe and the slashing call on Trocheck were both nonsense, it feels like it balances out, but still surprising it wasn't called based on the way they called the rest of the game.

  7. If the coach of the player who was injured only goes as far as to call the hit "borderline" and the referees didn't see anything wrong with the play, then it's almost certainly a clean play as far as people involved with the NHL are concerned. Even with a rule book, there is a lot of interpretation and subjectivity involved with a fast game like hockey. People have been having arguments like this for as long as I have watched the game. At some point I realized I don't have a voice with regard to what should or should not be penalized, and nor should I. That's something for the players, coaches, officials, and NHL board of governors to determine. My only role is to enjoy the product the NHL produces, and I can choose to walk away from it at any time. I played ice hockey when I was younger, but my skill and speed level is so far removed from the NHL level that it's a little silly for me to have strong opinions about in game situations I couldn't possibly ever find myself in. Having said all that, as hockey evolves I wonder if it will become a no contact game in the decades to come. Knowledge about head injuries, culture in general, and the current generation of young players and coaches are all hinting that's where they want things to go even as they have yet to admit this to themselves.

  8. To me, it almost looks like Iorio tried to duck under the check and carry the puck going into contact. Unfortunate result for Iorio … he's not defenseless, not boarding. Move the puck instead of trying to carry it around the fore checkering forward.

  9. It’s the last elbow push to the back that makes it a penalty for me, it’s definitely borderline but I’ve seen less called for boarding and more not called.

  10. So some of you dopes on here think he should have been penalized for being stronger than the other guy? Lol.

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