@Carolina Hurricanes

If you’re going to act like this, take Caniac out of your name.

It’s not new, but for some reason it seems even worse this year (especially against the rags). I get it, I hate them, I hate their dirty captain, I hate their smug fans. But after game 1 I saw some of the most pathetic shit from a fan base on social media that I’ve ever seen. Not only stupid tweets like this (btw Shaun, since I know you’re on here; Panarin has spoken out against Putin and we have like 5 Russians on our team, and you’re also a bitch for deleting your account after tweeting this) but lots of canes accounts endlessly complaining about the refs and just generally being extremely soft online and making the whole fan base look bad. Rags fans worst insult is like “no one wants to live in Raleigh” and then someone has to go straight to a 9/11 joke. It’s fucking ridiculous. Yes it’s a minority, but it’s a very loud one and sadly when you’re seen being a douche in a Canes jersey, or on a twitter account with a Canes picture and name, you’re going to be seen as a representative of our entire fan base. Idk what this post is meant to accomplish, especially since people on here actually do a good job of policing any bullshit that gets posted, but maybe if you’re one of these twitter psychos and you’re reading this just chill out.

by Doc-Toboggan-MD


  1. 492rankine

    Stay off Twitter/X and you don’t have to worry about all the idiots it attracts. It the ultimate soapbox for trolls and blowhards.

  2. It was insufferable during the Islanders series and will be worse during this one. I have the philosophy of just sticking with the good accounts like Alex or Andrew and not reading the comments.

    Edit: also fuck the guy last year who doxed Gudas’s house. I realize he’s goonish but that takes it way too far.

  3. TheHalfChubPrince

    Stop amplifying it. That tweet has 1 like.

  4. bearamongus19

    Unfortunately every fanbase has these jackasses

  5. HastyEthnocentrism

    Bruh that website is swamp ass. You expect too much outta people on it.

  6. _______butts_______

    If you take sports this seriously you need to rethink your life.

  7. Spartanlegion117

    That’s an inside the head thought, not a share your frustrations with people thought.

  8. Training-Ad1841

    Someone is that mad after game ONE? 😳

  9. The_Crypto_Caniac

    What’s the point ? You can find morons in every fanbase in every sports in the world. You’re just giving attention to an idiot and makes us look bad.

  10. InConvienantDoof

    Despicable regionalism from this guy–taking it beyond fun rivalry.

    That being said, per the other comments, I would stay off Twitter. This stuff is par for the course there.

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