@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Johnston] Sheldon Keefe: “We’re in the results business here and we didn’t get results, and we haven’t met expectations. As the head coach I take responsibility for that.”

[Johnston] Sheldon Keefe: “We’re in the results business here and we didn’t get results, and we haven’t met expectations. As the head coach I take responsibility for that.”

by malliabu


  1. Northern-Dancer

    He looked teary eyed when saying this. Atleast someone is wearing their heart on their sleeve. 

  2. theguyishere16

    This presser will be him doing damage control after his stupid comment post game because he wants to keep his job prospects open.

  3. twofactorial

    This is his first gig as NHL coach. He’s not as bad as people say, but at the same time he needs a fresh start. He’ll definitely get better, but this step in the journey is coming to an end

  4. Captain_Self_Promotr

    I heard Keefe was looking at houses in Pittsburgh app up on the flight home from Boston.

    I made that up, just FYI.

  5. goodgollygoshgeez

    Keefe will likely win a cup with his next team. This is the way.

  6. Purplebuzz

    Saying you take responsibility for that is not taking responsibility for that. It’s like thoughts and prayers. Does nothing tangible.

  7. Enjoy your time in Belfast Sheldon and say hello to Adam for us!

  8. Chrristoaivalis

    He’s currently the 4th or 5th longest serving coach in the NHL, and most the guys ahead of him have won cups with those teams.

    People are talking about player trades and such, but this man not being fired after the Montreal series has been the biggest recent error under the Shanaplan

  9. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    He’s 100% done. At the end when they said thanks coach and ended it he took a pause and looked around the room one more time before getting up.

  10. Mission-Astronomer42

    This sounds like every tech CEO doing a mass layoff saying “hurr durr market conditions I take full responsibility” while they maintain their job while yanking the livelihood of thousands of employees

  11. terminese

    I wish him the best, but this team needs new direction and new ideas.

  12. torontoker13

    Cool go punch out and good luck in Pittsburgh

  13. winkNfart

    the whole situation is crappy really. he lost the team years ago and he genuinely seems like a guy that wants to win, he just can’t see past certain huge red flags. it’s gotta be tough to control this group of prima donnas .. he just does too many eggheaded things

  14. I think it would have been fine to fire him after the Montreal series but he had two messed up seasons. The post Babcock firing year was the start of COVID and the Bubble season was a mess.

    Hell even the Tampa loss they looked like they were making progress. Where I think a firing might have been reasonable was if they kept Marner this year but also kept Dubas. Instead we fired Dubas and then tried to keep some familiarity in the organization

  15. Lil-Finesse300

    At least he’s holding himself accountable. Will be interesting to see who’s bench he’s behind next season.

  16. BackTo1975

    Keefe likely should’ve been gone after Montreal. But I don’t believe he’s this horrible coach, despite some mind-boggling decisions like sticking with Samsonov after game one and game three.

    Still, it’s beyond obvious that the core runs the franchise and they can kinda do whatever they want. It definitely impacted on what Keefe could do in terms of setting lines, sitting them down, and so on. We saw this in action countless times.

    Same deal with how Dubas got shown the door the moment he asked for more autonomy. People want to blame individuals, and yeah, they have to shoulder some of the blame. But it’s so clear that there’s a rot inside this organization and likely inside the dressing room that needs to be addressed.

    Why Shanahan needs to be the first one out. He’s overseen the Leafs for a decade of nothing. One playoff series win. Just like dumping Dubas resulted in no changes to the bottom line, firing Keefe isn’t likely to make that big of a difference.

  17. Letterkenny_Irish

    He’ll be the new assistant in Pittsburgh

  18. I’m kind of surprised they let him talk today. I’m also surprised he hasn’t already been fired.

    I really hate this management team. Shanahan not speaking today and making everyone else talk is fucked up. The only other excuse is that Shanny won’t speak Thursday because it’ll be Pelley.

  19. duncanfoo

    Fire a coach with his record. With fans like Toronto who the hell wants to coach or play here? Toxic doesn’t even begin to describe it.

  20. usctrojans95

    I’m glad he can acknowledge it and that it is obviously affecting him.

    That being said it’s still time to leave. I’m sorry you couldn’t get it done but the Leafs need better. Not personal—only professional

  21. Vast-Telephone2473

    Does he get paid his extension if he gets the boot before it kicks in?

  22. reluctantLeaf

    He might be done here, but another NHL team could probably use him, even if for an assistant role. He isn’t Mike Babcock, Ron Wilson, or even Randy Carlyle to an extent (he went back to Anaheim for a couple more seasons before calling it quits). Still got a lot left to give at this level, and I wish him the best.

  23. Low_Singer_4078

    That lost was on the players. Nyldnder didn’t even take a stride on pasta’s ot goal 🥴.

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