@Buffalo Sabres

I did not expect to see this blurb in the Pulitzer Prize finalists

Has anyone read this?

by JohnTheRev


  1. glenvillequint

    I haven’t but now I feel like I have to

  2. It’s a great book! Park is originally from Buffalo and there’s a lot of Sabres talk. Tsujimoto is discussed. Trigger warning though: there’s an aerial photo of Hull’s no goal.

  3. SpikeGelato

    The book is outstanding! It was my favorite title that came out last year. Doesn’t hurt that I’m a Buffalonian and the book is filled with tons of Buffalo and Sabres easter eggs. Ed is a huge Sabres fan and posts about them a lot on social media.

    [The Speculative Shelf’s Top Books of 2023](

  4. Arrogant_Ambassador2

    Thanks for posting about this! I didn’t know I could ask for literary fiction that also covered the sabres lol

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