@Detroit Red Wings

Should the Red Wings fire LaLonde and hire Keefe?

To me it’s a no brainer. Absolutely the Wings should.

by MNightShyamalan69


  1. xenonwarrior666

    It is most definitely a no brainier.

    No brainpower was used to make this thought

  2. wonder_breadcar

    Only if Mike Babcock doesn’t agree to come back

  3. Zetterbearded

    Yeah that’s a Texas sized NO from me dog.

  4. blind2141

    Which of his recent successes leads you to believe this is a no brainer?

  5. tacticalAlmonds

    Is this bait? I’m serious. Why would you want Keefe? He was carried by his star players, when he needed to coach and make changes it got him fuck all.

  6. You want to fire Newsy for the coach that just admitted he can’t game plan or make adjustments with a juggernaut group of forwards at his disposal… lol

  7. BaronDoctor

    Should keep Lalonde over that particular alternative, right? Right?

  8. Sweetness9909

    I would rather have Jonathan Ericsson and Danny DeKeyser come back at their current ages to be the top pairing.

  9. elchapjoe

    I hope this is a troll because this is just a liittllle stupid.

  10. CopStopyingMe

    This is the worst idea I’ve ever seen on this subreddit

  11. scottyarfburner

    Sheldon Keefe was handed the keys to a Ferrari and never drove it out of his subdivision. Almost everyone in this sub could coach the talent on that Leafs roster to a third place finish in the division and a first round exit – so no thanks.

  12. Lost2nite389

    Keefe are you really that desperate you had a reddit account ready to post this? We don’t want you…you know you can’t coach

    Lalonde runs circles around you

  13. A coach that can’t deploy one of the most loaded rosters in the league to have any post-season success? What exactly would he be able to do with a lesser roster like the Wings have now?

  14. Direction_Asleep

    Lalonde is super polite and nice to the media but either don’t watch the games or ignore the shots of lalonde on the bench screaming his ass off, absolutely dripping with passion, meanwhile you watch Keefe and it’s always this mundane flacid energy. I honestly am in shock that someone could be this out of touch with reality.

  15. Life_is_a_meme_204

    Absolutely not. Me, who has never played or been involved in organized hockey, could have made the playoffs as coach with that Maple Leafs roster.

  16. OldGuy734

    Dude has one of the most talented teams in the league and got bounced in the first round.

    Why do we want him again?

  17. QueefyBeefMeat

    Should I increase the psi on my bidet to blow my B-hole clean off?

  18. PoopSlinger23

    Dude can’t win with THAT roster and you think he’d do better with ours?

  19. This can’t be a real opinion that someone has. It’s that fucking stupid. I refuse to believe that thought came from someone’s brain.

  20. Medievil_Walrus

    Even as a Lalonde skeptic or even hater this is extremely dumb and one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen on this sub.

    You are awarded no points and may god have mercy on your soul.

  21. AdStrict3575

    His comments in the post series press conferance should tell you everything you need to know.

    I you can’t get more production out of 40+ milions on the ice, maybe it is the coach.

  22. nickthegreat101

    Average Facebook/97.1 the ticket enjoyer

  23. AngryWheel

    I’m not sold on Lalonde yet but this is a downgrade lmao

  24. jackstalke

    This offseason is really dragging along. Can’t wait for camp. 

    Also, no thanks to Keefe. I’ve spent the last few years watching him get hilariously outcoached just about every time. 

  25. SpezGarblesMyGooch

    Should the Maple Leafs hire Babcock? To me it’s a no brainer. Absolutely the Leafs should.

  26. Top_Needleworker3876

    This guy single handedly united all Wings fans.

  27. Environmental_Arm_27

    Glad to see this got the appropriate response

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