@Colorado Avalanche

With Keefe fired, let’s revisit this subreddit in February 2017: Claude Julien fired; an option over Bednar?

With Keefe fired, let’s revisit this subreddit in February 2017: Claude Julien fired; an option over Bednar?

by Starbucks__Lovers


  1. Little-Nikas

    Why would we?

    We have playoff hockey to talk about

  2. Some aged milk takes in there for sure, shitting on Bedsy and Joe in some cases as well.

  3. ShanksOStabs

    That milk is finely aged cheese right now. Wax seal n all.

  4. goavsgo1988

    I need u/rob_avs33 to atone for his shit takes

  5. DomDomDom18

    There are a lot of takes in there that seem brutal, but that’s viewing them in hindsight and not in the context of the time they were made.

    I wasn’t around Reddit back then but I’d have probably said the same at the time, we were absolutely brutal, MacKinnon was stagnating, Landy had a horrible year, if you want to rip on folks now you should try to remember how grim it was then first.

  6. Visual-Floor-7839

    For the record, I bought my Landeskog jersey right in the midst of that 16-17 season. I wear it with pride. While everyone else seemed mostly down and pissed and wanted the season to end, Landy was there taking every interview and post game presser and taking accountability. (Mac wasn’t an Alternate back then iirc and wasn’t a voice of the team yet.) When most dudes said they wanted to win, or play playoff games, Landy was the rare one to say he “wanted to work for Denver.” I was proud to be a fan. At the start of the season I told myself whoever got the first hat-trick I would buy their jersey as my first jersey. Joe Fucking Colbourn got a hatty (his only 3 goals iirc), and luckily by the time I had money it was aparaent he and the team were trash. I was going to wait and not waste money. Then Landy said those things time and time again. He worked hard even though the team seemingly didn’t listen at all. I fell in love with him and I bought his jersey towards the end of the season. It’s the last year they had the Unipron, probably the ugliest Avs jersey. I wear it with pride every game I go to.

    Being on the Facebook Avs page brought me onto Reddit and was the last straw for my FB account. Everyone had the same opinions and worse as this posts. I actually found Reddit to be a huge breath of fresh air. It’s funny looking back at these takes. It’s easy to look at them and say “hindsight is 20/20” but they also clearly didn’t have faith or listen to the way players talked.

  7. Talinn_Makaren

    I was there! My comment was a stupid ramble but at least I was in favor of keeping Bedsy.

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